A Difference Only You Can Make

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Morning came, and Rowena came to check on the princesses.

“Well?” She asked Desmond who was seated outside the girls’ room.

“Nobody came in or out. I was here all night, Your Grace.” Desmond responded.


She entered the room with Brutus behind her.

The girls were still in bed.

“Good morning, girls. A beautiful day, isn't it?”

Ashlyn yawned.

“Rise and shine. We have a busy day ahead of us.”

Brutus took a plate and spoon lying on a table and banged on it, making the girls jolt up.

Then he went under Edeline’s bed and brought out her dancing  shoes, which were worn out, handing them over to Rowena.

“Weren't these new yesterday? Line up this instant!”

The girls immediately did so.

“Where were you dancing last night?” There was silence from the girls.

“Answer me, Delia.”

“I'm Edeline.” The girl corrected.

“I don't care. Answer me.”

“We, uh... we danced at a pavilion.”

“How did you get there? Blair?”

“I'm Kathleen.”

“So what?”

“The magic boat took us.”

“Please. How did you get out of here without Desmond seeing you?”

“The magic gateway.” Janessa said.

“Magic this, magic that. You’re all lying to me.” Then she turned to Lacey.

“You're the runt of this family. Tell me the truth or you'll all pay.”

“How can you talk to her that way?” Genevieve asked getting  angry.

“But... but it is the truth.” Lacey answered softly.

“How dare you talk back to me? You're no better than common maids. Maybe if I treat you like maids, you'll change your minds about lying to me. This morning you shall clean the front garden. I want it spotless.”

“But we were supposed to...” [Y/n] started and Rowena tsked.

“Talking back. Now you'll scrub the steps as well.”

The girls were all working hard, cleaning the front garden.

“We can't even sing to pass the time.” Blair said sadly.

“I don't understand why Papa...”

“Won't listen to us.” Hadley and Isla said.

“How did everything get so awful?” Fallon asked.

Delia sighed in relief.

“At least the garden's done. All that's left is the steps.”

Lacey tripped and dropped the bucket she was holding making leaves spill all over the floor.

The elder girls all groan.


“I... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.” Lacey apologized, then ran away crying.

“Lacey!” Genevieve and [Y/n] yelled, then ran after her.

The twins found Lacey sitting on a bench in their mother’s garden.

“Want some company?” Genevieve asked.

“Guess so.” The twins came and sat on either side of her.

“We used to come here when we were upset.” [Y/n] said.

“Why can't I be good at something? Edeline and Delia are good at sports, Courtney's read every book ever written, Blair rides her horses, and Genevieve you’re the most beautiful dancer. And [Y/n]'s the best cook ever.”

“I thought you'd say I'm always late.” Genevieve said.

“And that I’m incredibly clumsy.” [Y/n] added.

Lacey laughed. “That too.”

“You probably don't remember, but Mother always told us: Big or small…” Genevieve started.

“……There's a difference only you can make.” [Y/n] completed.

Lacey perked up, smiling at her elder sisters.

Barbie In The 13 Dancing PrincessesWhere stories live. Discover now