Chapter 2 : Truth and Battle

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Sitting together shiro thought about what he should tell his father, he decided not to tell the whole truth, only part of it.

Kiri : so shirou while I am thankful you brought illya to me, just how did you do it ?

illya : daddy little brother was so cool, he painted the castle pink and flew us across the world and even to space, it was so fun.

Kiri : WHAT

Sella (trembling ) : yes it was quite the scary experience.

Shirou : well dad, the truth is the night you saved me when I was uncouncious I had a dream about a humanoid starry being, he turned into a ball and entered me and suddenly I had information and powers.

illya : that is so cool, my brother is a superhero.

Kiri : and do you know what this being is ?

Shirou : yes, they are called celestalesapiens, they can turn their thoughts to a reality.

At this kiritsuga, sella and liz had their eyes almost pop out of their sockets, such power inside someone so young spells trouble, he might be at a level beyond sorcerors.

Kiri : and why did you not tell me ?

Shirou : well I did not want to burden you , you seemed to have so much stress, I did not want to add more to you.

Kiri(sighing) : shirou I am sorry you had to feel that way, I am so proud of you for saving your sister but it was dangerous.

illya : daddy please don't be mad at big brother, he only wanted to help.

Shirou : besides if I faced too much trouble I would have got illya and threw the castle into the sun.

At this both liz and sella paled even more at how close they were to a horrible death.

Shirou : if it makes you feel better I have this picture.

Taking the envelope, kiritsuga laughed at seeing the proud and royal ellizbern castle dyed pink, oh what he would do to see the face of Acht when he saw this.

Kiritsuga (laughing ): ok you are forgiven, but please be careful with your new powers.

Shirou : sure dad.

Kiritsuga : now I belieave we have a party to celebrate illya returning to us.

?? (Shouting) : did someone say a party.

Openning the door, a girl that looked in her last year of highschool, she had brown hair and a wooden sword with her.

Kiri : hi taiga.

Shirou : hi tiger.

Taiga( shouting ): DON'T CALL ME TIGER.

illya : umm daddy who is this ?

Kiri : this is our neighbor taiga , taiga say hi illya. Taiga this is my daughter illya.

Illya : hi.

Taiga : hello young lady, you may call me big sister since I take care of shirou and am like a big sister to him.

Shirou : more like I take care of you.

" no no no, I am the only big sister shirou needs " said illy throwing a tantrum and hugging shirou.

Shirou : don't worry illya nothing can replace you, besides taiga is like a big cat, she comes to us to eat and later leaves.

Taiga : who you calling a cat, that's it shirou I challenge you to a fight.

Shirou sighed this was not the first time taiga challenged him to a fight, he remmembered the first time she did it, she could not land a single hit on him even using dirty tactics like pretending to give up or throwing pepper in his face, thankfully his spidersense helped him evade all her hits and from that day she had tried to rope him into fights all the time.

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