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The car was sinking deeper and deeper and the pocket of air was quickly running out, becoming smaller and smaller until it was a tight squeeze. His hands pressing over the roof, and his face close to it.

"Don't panic, I just got to get out." Felix's only thought in his head was an obvious survival instinct.

The further he descended, the more he felt numbed by the cold. Breathing became a struggle. He barged his hand against the metal trap, desperately trying to open it.

His arms and legs could barely feel the waves flowing them, the frost creeping into his body. His eyes could barely see the roof of the car in the darkness of the deep. His taste and smell nulled by the cold, not even able to tell the difference. The only thing left was constant sound of bubbles in his ears flowing upward.

"I need to get out of here." He thought once more. Until it repeated in his head, again and again. Something so simple but was impossible for him.

"I need to get out of here, I need to get out of here, I need to get out of here, I need to get out of here!"

Felix began slamming against the sides of the car, even though it was sealed tight in chains.


He kept slamming onto the metal doors, over and over again.


The freezing water was quickly sapping away at his body heat and taking away at his strength, while pain radiated throughout his body.

His could no longer keep paddling upwards as his knees kept slowing more and more to the point where it locked up, and took one last weak breath before his head descended down from the small pocket of air and into the freezing waters before being swallowed up by the dark ocean void.

As he slowly closed his eyes, there was only a hint of warmth on his face, as a single tear dripped out. The air in his lungs was crushed out of him by the pressure.

"N-no... I don't...want to..."

Anastasia's words echoed in his head even through the watery depths. "So when will you learn? When everyone else has died?! When you've died?!"

He rose once more and took in one last deep breath. His heart raced. His body filled with the last bits of adrenaline. The car began to glow, in the deep dark depths of the freezing ocean, there was a single light. Like a star, shining in the void and darkness.

All of Lewis's men were shaken as a massive wave lashed against the side of the ship.

The waves began to batter against the ship, slamming and smashing against it. All of the subordinates grabbed ahold of the ships handles or ran inside, in fear of their life.

A blue radiance floated on the surface of the ocean, where the waves had been caused.

Grant and Isabelle could only watch as they were strapped to the ship's guard rails.

"No way..." Disbelief escapes Grant's lips as he saw, as everyone on the boat saw.

In the darkness of night, the winds howled with a vicious wave of frost, and blue light beamed up from the frozen oceans and reached the sky.

Isabelle was speechless as the beam of light reflected in her eyes.

The beam of light headed straight toward the ship, and as it reached, it followed with a loud boom.

A powerful, focused torrent of ocean water blasted through the ship. As if slashed by a giant blade, the center of the deck had a gap of nothing, followed by a stream of flooding, cold waters.

From above the ocean, hands could be seen moving, tightening and clutching, as if it was putting something together. As the hands moved, the ships debris formed of sort of stairs from the deck, down to the waters.

And up those stairs climbed out a shivering, masked man, draped in black with broken shackles dangling from his arms. There was a shiver with every step he took to get to the deck, there he stood, dripping with water, yet enveloped in a fiery blue haze.

"Felix, you're... okay..." Isabelle smiled.

Grant, on the other hand, kept his lips sealed, as the masked man stood silent, surrounded by the scared grunts.

"Hahhh—" A shivering, frightful noise came out from one of Lewis's grunt men.

"He just halfed the sea, the hell do you think a gun's gonna do to him?!"

Another yelled out, but as he did, the masked man staggered. Unable to stay up for much longer, the aura that surrounded him had burst out like a fire being blown out. He let out a loud gasp before falling to his knees. The mask on his face fell down, but his face was obscured by his cold, damp hair.

"F-Felix?" Isabelle spoke once more, with a quieter, more nervous voice.

Felix pressed himself upward, shakily, almost to the point of falling. A vicious, snide grin formed on one of the grunt's, as his shivering hand stilled.

For a split second, between Felix's dark, parted hair, his gaze could be seen, with a bright, azure glow.

"Die, freak!" The grunt yelled as he fired.

But the bullet struck nothing.

"H-huh?" The grunt slipped out, only to have his vision turned and spun.

From behind, Felix had already twisted the grunt's head until it twisted off from the grunts neck.

The grunt's blood splattered on another's, "Th-there he is, fire!" Yelled the shock man.

But before they could take aim, the silhouette of darkness had followed with a small, stream of blue light, as it struck. One after another, one after another, Lewis's men fell.

Isabelle could only avert her eyes from the violence, but Grant watched in both fear and relief. The cold in Grant's hands weren't the same as the frost of the sea.

In that night, the icy white oceans had a small, red stain on it, as all one-hundred of Lewis's men on the deck had fallen, many dead, few knocked unawares.

As the battle was over, the Blue Phantom, Felix, took two more steps forward toward his two allies, before stopping where he stood, too tired to take another step forward, he lifted his hands and twisted the cuffs on their arms until they broke.

Soon as the two of them were freed, Felix fell flat on the deck.

The two stood up, and Isabelle immediately rushed to Felix's side and held him, all while Grant watched, calming himself.

"That... was..." Grant said to himself.

As Isabelle "He's... freezing..." She said.

"That's to be expected. I'm calling the agency, hope they can pick us up soon." Grant said as he walked up to the both of them, "For now, let's get him to a fire— You've got to be kidding me...All of that... and he's only begun to awaken his powers?"

He expressed in disbelief, as he saw on Felix's head, a strip of white hair.

"Haaah..." Felix let out a deep, shaky exhale before going into a fit of violent coughing.

"H-holy shit, you're conscious?"

"Of course I'm still conscious... do you have any idea... how hard it was to kill them all...dealing with the frost?"

"I can only imagine... thanks for saving us, buddy..." Grant answered with nervous, excited smile.

"He's enough...he's what I need to put an end to this." Were the thoughts that Grant couldn't say out loud.

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