Angry Maria

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On the bridge, the old Jackal's Fang, Viktor, hovered over Maria with a look of disinterest. He fired one more blow of his railgun.

Instinctively, Maria lifted a car with her hands to protect herself from the attack, only to be blown away by the impact.

"This is becoming tedious. Just lie down and die." Viktor said, waiting for the his weapon to charge once more.

"Tedious, you say?" She said as she got back up.

"Hehe... hehehehe.... hahahahAHAHAHA!!!" Maria laughed before bursting in fumes, "DON'T YOU FUCK WITH ME!"

With one hand, she picked up a truck, and flung it towards the flying old man, Viktor.

Viktor lifted up his armored arm, and shot out one of the miniature missiles from his mecha-suited arm. There was a loud gong sound, and the truck exploded, followed by a rain of fire and debris from the truck. He moved back away from the fire and the heat that was in front of him, but his eyes widen to see Maria burst out of the flames, with eyes out for blood. With the broken remains of the helicopter held behind her arm, she swung.

The force of her swing was overwhelming. Not even with the full support of his propulsion systems could he resist. His armor chipped, then cracked from the blow. He did not stop, he could not stop, as he was swatted out of the sky.

A straight, downward line formed from the crumbling, falling parts of Viktor's mechanical suit as he struck the ground.

With a loud bang that could not be ignored, the whole bridge shook.

"You... are beneath me..." Maria mumbled. Suddenly, her eyes blank out, and she begins to fall.

Grant and Nero heard the crash, "Was that... Marie?"

But as the two of them turned around, Felix had disappeared from the battle, rushing towards his best friend.

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