Drugged Felix vs Everyone

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The lights all flickered on and off, before stopping completely. In an instant, the entire building turned pitch-black. Nero, Isabelle and Grant all raised their guards the moment this happened.

Viktor headed back to the room where Felix was. But his face suddenly contorts in shock as the walls suddenly shatter right next to him. With a blast of energy, both Priscilla and Zachary were launched from the operations room.

"What—?" Viktor dropped his tray of tools as he watched the two other 'fangs' burst through the walls.

Their bodies could not get up after the sudden force that burst them through the walls. Priscilla laid there out cold, while Zachary struggled to lift up his own head.

Zachary responded as he looked up from the floor, little streams of electricity sparking out of his body "H-He's..."

Viktor looked through the holes and saw the room lit up with a blinding azure, with blue, crackling zig-zags emanated from the esper that he was about to operate on.

Viktor picked up both of his associates and quickly sprinted out of there.

Felix stood up, energy flaring and spiraling around him.

His blank, tired expression sharpened to an angered glare. He picked up his coat from the table, ripped and torn apart. He opened and closed his hand, trying to regain strength in his muscles before reaching for his mask that had dropped on the floor,

It floated and brought itself to his hand, and his energy shrank and thinned to a blue haze that wrapped around his body. Carried by instinct and rage, he dragged himself out of the room.

Nero, Isabelle and Grant walked slowly through the halls, their guards high and their guns at the ready, to avoid falling for any trap that the Jackal's fangs may have left for them.

"Hm" Nero mused, all three of them looked to the other hall after hearing the sound.

Ahead of them walked a stuttering man, dressed in all torn black coat, with a mask that hid his expression. Through the mask's eyes trailed of ghostly blue light.

"Winter, we've located Blue." Grant announced through an earpiece, "Sending you our coordinates."

"Understood." Anastasia replied from the earpiece.

The masked man, who was undoubtedly Felix, stood there and watched without uttering a word.

"Felix?" Isabelle's guard lowered slightly as a bead of sweat dripped across her face.

She placed her palm on her chest and took the smallest step forward, Felix took a step back and pulled out his gun. Nero stopped Isabelle from moving any closer, not that he needed to, Isabelle had already pointed her own gun towards him.

Grant's eyes narrowed and spoke, "He's been drugged."

"What?" Anastasia spoke through the intercom.

Nero unsheathed his katana and pointed it towards Felix.

"Good. I've been waiting for a rematch." He said in vicious excitement.

"Are you being serious right now?"

"Isabelle's right, no need for a rematch. Just detain him." Grant answered as he whipped out his chain. But before the chain could the wrap around him, it, along with him and Isabelle were pushed away with a burst of energy.

Nero, whose sword was still pointed forward, smirked. His own red aura flared up against the blue waves of energy.

He put on his oni mask and lunged toward the Blue Phantom. Nero's sword clashed against the Blue Phantom's gun, and fires of azure and crimson burst from the two. Across the hall, a single stream of red light flowed relentlessly forward, leaving behind a trail of slashes as it followed a blue light that ran back. The Blue Phantom ducked and dodged against every swipe of Nero's sharp blade, deflecting it with his gun every other strike before aiming at him.

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