The Fall of Shaman

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"Oh, you're not gonna like this..." Nero commented.

"You don't know what he's like when he's angry." Grant added.

They laughed, still chained to the pillars. Both their crimson eyes radiated with excitement.

"What? Who is—?" The shaman asked.

"The Blue Phantom."

From the other side of the temple fortress, Felix dashed out. One by one, the shaman's men fell down.

They barely had any time to react, but the machines tracked him down.

Noticing this, Felix ran up and darted between the fine marble pillars, firing his gun while avoiding the gun shots. As he fell back to the ground, the shockwave tremored through the entire building. Dust sparkled in the dim blue altar as it quaked.

The men continued to fire taking a step back they watched the Elite Operator reaping. But even as he was fueled by rage, few of the bullets slipped past his fiery defense, knocking him back little by little.

The shaman's men, seeing this, they confidently walked closer as they fired. But Felix rushed forward, and in an instant, grabbed one of them.

"N-no help me." Lifted in the air by the foot, the man yelled out, as Felix used him to bludgeon the other men.

From behind, one of the suicide bombers clung onto him, Felix dropped his human weapon, and quickly subdued the suicide bomber, ripping out the ticking time bomb from his chest and threw it to the other cultists, and turned into a pile of corpses.

He continued to his rampage, striking each of the men, left, right and forward. But there were too many of them, one jumped onto him from behind, and another, the men piled all over him, one by one dragging him down, but he pressed forward and stood up. On his back carried a mountain of the shaman's men. And with a fiery burst of energy, they were all flung up to the air.

Felix stood, breathing heavily all while the bullets continued to rain at him, but they all stopped as soon as they came in contact to the dome of bright blue fire that surrounded him. It as if he was standing in the middle of a star.

He took a deep breath, and the star around him dispersed. With his hands, he struck with psychic power. One by one, he ripped tore through the machine guns with a wave of blue energy.

"My men... and the machines Jackal gave me... What—what is he?" Frightened, the shaman blurted out.

"A fourth stage esper." Grant replied

"The Blue Phantom." Nero added.

The remaining men continued to fire, but the others stepped back in fear and quickly turned to run. But before they could escape, Felix raised his hands, and instantly, the men were frozen. Wrapped around his aura, Felix dragged them closer, and as he clapped his hands, the men were slammed against each other.

"What did you call again? "A non-threat?" Grant remarked.

"Dumbass, he's the biggest threat of all of us."

"F-fire the railgun!" The shaman yelled in panic, and the railgun fired.

Felix, with little time to react, placed his hands in front of him. The temple shook as a white ray burst from the machine. But with his bare palms, Felix held against the railgun's beam. It's blinding white light, wrapped around his blue energy. But as he was pushed back, the soles on his shoes began to rip as they dug against the cold stone floor.

The black leather gloves in his hand tore off, and so did the sleeves of his gloves, and so did the skin of his palms, and his own flesh. Blue electricity flashed from his arms, his regeneration could barely keep up, but he took a step forward, and another, and another, up until he was walking toward the machine.

And as he got closer, he pulled back his right arm, while the other continued to block the beam. He clenched his still-regenerating hand as it wrapped around a fiery blue energy that grew, his rage manifesting until it looked like there was a small, blinding star wrapped on his fist, spiraling with fire.

Felix took down his defending hand, and quickly struck his right fist towards it. The railgun's continuous white beam was split in half, and through it tore an even greater blast of energy.

As it struck, the entire fortress shook, the railgun was instantly turned into a pile of hot ash and scrap metal, and behind it, a massive hole in the wall, where light was finally able to enter.

"What... the hell?" The shaman fell to his knees, shocked and the sight.

"Well, that was a light show." Grant said, standing up behind him.

"H-how did you—?"

"He's not the only esper here." Nero said as he grabbed the hilt of his katana.

"Now, either surrender, or face his wrath."

"N-no... just please, take me away."

"Sigh, he gets even worse every time I see him angry."

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