Chapter 16!

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     “Give me your phone, now!” Yelled my mother. I was in the kitchen, sitting on the counters, eating sliced apples (that I sliced myself, actually) and then… she came. Not walking, or running or even sprinting, but storming into the house. It’s not like I’ve never seen her mad, because I have, she’s my mother. But, I’ve never seen her this mad.

    I heard the car screech to a stop, the door slam, and even her heels clink ever step she took towards me. I wasn’t afraid of her, after today I couldn’t care less about what anybody thinks of me. I’m pretty sure I made a new reputation for myself, and that it isn’t a good one.

     And yes, I did go crazy. But… I loved (love) him, gave all my trust to him, I depended on him more than myself.

      And that’s why I got hurt.

      But with Lily? I went insane; I couldn’t process the thought of that actually happening. Of her kissing his neck, or having her filthy freshly manicured hands in his soft brown hair of his (that he likes left alone by the way). See! I know everything about this boy… and he hurt me.

     I just wondered if I did any damage.

     I hope so.

     I didn’t hurt my hand for nothing.

      “Mom…” I said to try and calm her down but it obviously wasn’t working. She still held her hand out for me to place my phone in, and I still didn’t give it to her.

     “I want your laptop, your car keys-“

     “I don’t have a car,” I said.

     “My car keys,” she looked me in the eyes. She wasn’t playing.

     “You’re overreacting.” I said, and jumped off the counter.

     “Me? I was in a call with my boss and I had to hang up on him to receive the message that my daughter got into a fight at school and got suspended!” She yelled. I sighed and turned to her. She really was mad. “So, I am not overreacting, and when I say I want your phone, laptop, and my car keys, you better damn hope so you give them to me before you regret it.” She finished.

     I looked down at the floor, and wiped the tear that was rolling down my cheek. Everything was going wrong. My boyfriend cheated on me, I humiliated myself in front of Ethan and practically the whole school, I bet Poppy is pissed because I wouldn’t keep my mouth shut, and my own mother is disappointed in me. Oh yeah, not to mention that I got fired!


     “Tell me, why?! Why would you get yourself suspended, and why would you even put yourself in that position to actually fight someone, Rosalie?”


     “You know your grades are dropping, and now look! Suspension! Are you fucking-“

     “Mom!” I yelled. I was tired of being talked over, tired of being interrupted, I was tired.

     “What, Rosalie!” I stopped talking, took my phone out from my pocket, and placed it in her hands. She gripped my phone in her palm until her knuckles turned white, and brought her hand to her sides.

     “… Gram cheated on me…” She was no longer yelling, no longer gripping my phone, or giving me the death stare. Her glare softened. She stopped gripping my phone and her knuckles turned pink. She was sorry for me? No… “… With Lily.” I finished, and when I did I was already sobbing. I brought my hands to my face and started crying.

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