Chapter 1: The End And The Beginning

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[Resuming from 3×20]

Standing on the sidewalk, Connor is waiting for the valet to bring his car. It's been a long day today – The conjoined twins, Dot and Lily, were successfully separated through a series of complex and difficult surgeries. Connor was the star of the operation, saving both twins by repairing a VSD in Dot's heart using a transcatheter VSD closure device, a procedure normally done in the Cath Lab instead of on an open heart. Curiously, despite his success, there is no trace of joy on his face as he gazes into the night, immersed in his thoughts.

"So tell me, did you orchestrate this whole thing?" A familiar voice sounded behind him with a tint of sarcasm, "Reluctant hero comes in and saves the day?"

Connor turned, it was Ava. Her eyes glint under the dim lights, he can't really read her expressions. He chuckles, "You give me too much credit."

"Do I?" His joke did not soften her tone, "Your ambition strikes me as boundless."

Realizing her seriousness, Connor frowns: "Wait a second, do you really think that?"

"I don't know what to think." Ava sounds a bit sour, "Yes, you helped keep those babies alive, but I'm sure you also secured yourself an attending position."

"Uh, God, Ava, I—" Connor sighs, not knowing how to continue.


Connor gives her a look. It took Ava a second, but she suddenly realizes: "You bastard. You got an offer tonight, didn't you? That guy in the PICU?"

"Mayo Clinic." Attending physician.

"You got an offer at the Mayo Clinic?" Ava forces a bitter laugh, "I can't believe it." She sighs, "And of course you're going to take it."

"Would you?"

"Yes. Absolutely." Staring straight into Connor's eyes, Ava answered firmly.

Of course she would. It's an offer from one of the most prestigious medical centers in the world. So why wouldn't Connor? They are such similar people, and Ava knows that he would never let go of any opportunity to become the best in the field. If she was Connor, she would've done the exact same things today. So why am I still upset? She thought. Her eyes start to blur, street lights are turning into halos, Connor's face seems so cloudy and distant.

The valet arrived with Connor's car, much to Ava's rescue. One more second and she won't be able to hold her tears any longer. She didn't want to cry in front of Connor, not at this moment. The result of their competition is clear. Connor won. It shatters her pride, but she still tries so hard to cling onto her last trace of dignity, holding herself together. She didn't want to look like a sore loser.

"Great." Connor didn't say another word, just quietly got into his car. Ava watches him drive into the cold, dark Chicago night. Finally, she lowers her head and starts sobbing, letting her emotions get the best of her. She doesn't understand why she's so sad. Is it just because she lost in their match? Yes – and no. There's more to it. A strange emptiness is engulfing her from within. It feels as if she is letting go of something so important, and will never be able to get it back.

Please tell me what you think! I will include as many events in the show as possible, but will add more inner activities to try to portray what I think Ava and Connor's characters really are.

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