Chapter 3: Turning Point

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[Resuming from 4×1]

[Chicago Med, Hallway, Shortly after Trevor Keyes' death]

"We shouldn't have lost the patient." Walking down the hallway, Connor tries to explain to Goodwin.

"His aorta burst. What could you have done?" Skimming through the report, Goodwin shakes her head. An aorta that damaged was beyond repair. It's just a pity for the wife, losing her husband so early.

"When we were in the E.D., he hasn't yet suffered the fatal rupture. If we'd able to treat his injury there, he'd still be alive. The problem was the time it took to transfer him upstairs." The more Connor thought about it, the more he regrets not cutting him open in the E.D. If he'd gotten control of the injury earlier, the patient would still have had a chance.

"But the E.D. isn't equipped to perform the kind of procedure you are talking about." Goodwin isn't quite getting the goal of the conversation.

"That's Dr. Rhodes's point." Ava, who had been accompanying them the whole time, tries to explain as they enter Goodwin's office.

"There needs to be a hybrid operating room in the E.D., fully equipped to perform emergency cardiac surgery." Connor pitches his idea. A room like that will prevent the same tragedy from happening again.

"An O.R. in the E.D." Goodwin ponders. She doesn't sound opposed.

"We have lost far too many patients on the way to the O.R." Connor adds, hoping to convince her.

"Actually, I like the idea." Goodwin sits down at her desk, "But converting a trauma room into a surgical suite — it's not an inexpensive proposition." — And it's going to be hard to pass the board, "I'll tell you what. Write up a proposal."

"I'll have it on your desk in an hour." Connor turns around immediately.

"Dr. Rhodes," Goodwin stops him, "with your background in both trauma and CT, you'd be the ideal person to head a program like this. If the board okays it, I'd like you to stay." He's a great surgeon, one that she has confidence in becoming the second Dr. Downey. A doctor who even the Mayo Clinic wants to dig away — if he stays, the hospital will gain a big asset.

Connor shakes his head. He has made up his mind: "I'm sorry Ms. Goodwin, but I start at the Mayo Clinic on Monday." He is doing this for the patients, and no matter the board's decision, he is going to Mayo.

Connor quickly steps out of the room. Ava stands still in her place. Staring at Connor's back, she seems to have something on her mind. A short moment after, she nods to Goodwin and exits the room, following Connor's path.

[Chicago Med, Outside the Board Meeting Room]

"I wasn't told the board was in session." Leading Connor and Ava towards the meeting room, Goodwin approaches Gwen Garret who has just come out. The board has had the meeting without them — that is not good news.

Their worries were not wrong. "Dr. Rhodes, impressive proposal. Unfortunately, we have to pass."

"And why is that?" Goodwin is not particularly pleased with the decision, especially when it was made without their input.

"A C-Arm. That's anywhere from 1.7 million to 2.5." Gwen Garret lists the equipment needed for the hybrid O.R., "Uh, booms and lights, 200 thousand. Two large ceiling-mounted hi-def screens. Do I need to continue?"

"No hospital I know of has a hybrid O.R. in the E.D. Not to mention the huge PR benefit in Med being the first—"

"The investment is not worth the expense. I recommended that the board pass. They agreed." Gwen Garret cuts her off. Handing the proposal back to Connor, she headed back to the meeting room, leaving the trio in frustration. Of course it's the cost again. Ever since Gwen Garret came into her position, things have never been more difficult. Everything they wanted to do was in the patients' best interest, but for these people, money always came in before the patients.

"Well... thank you for trying." Frankly, Connor is not very surprised by the decision. With all the things listed in the proposal, it'd be strange if it went through. He is just disturbed by the fact that the hospital doesn't seem to care about its patients, and it's a pity he can't do more for the patients before he left. Shoving the proposal into the garbage can, he went into the elevator without saying another word.

Watching Connor leave, Ava and Goodwin stood in silence.

"I think it would be a mistake for the hospital to lose this." After a moment, Ava heard Goodwin sigh. She knows what Goodwin means. Even without considering the patients or its reputation, the hospital's still losing the most important part — a great surgeon.

[The Hawaiian-themed Bar, Connor's Farewell Party]

The Chicago Med staff are all gathered here, celebrating Connor's job switch to the Mayo Clinic. The host himself, though, has his mind elsewhere. He didn't see the figure he wanted to see. After Dr. Latham's toast, the guests spread out and broke into smaller groups. Connor walks through the crowd, hoping to get some information: "Hey, Maggie. Have you seen Ava?"

Maggie shakes her head. She hasn't seen her since the morning. Connor gives her a pat on the shoulder and turns towards Goodwin. They were still together when he left the board meeting room, maybe she will know where Ava is.

"Ms. Goodwin. Hey, have you seen Dr. Bekker? She said she was coming tonight."

"Uh, no, I haven't." Much to Connor's disappointment, Goodwin didn't know anything either. Thinking for a second, he tries to explain to himself why Ava would miss their date, very much their last one, "Maybe she got stuck in surgery."

"Maybe." Goodwin nods, reassuring his guess. Watching Connor leave, she chuckles silently. With her age and experience, it's not hard to see what was going on between the two. She thinks she has figured out what Ava is up to. But she knows Connor. He doesn't tolerate even the bare minimum of these little tricks. Ava can keep him for now, but can she keep him forever? Goodwin shakes her head. Either way, it's their business — she takes a sip of her drink — she just needs to keep the hospital out of it.

[Chicago Med, CT On-Call Room]

Stepping out of the Cath Lab, Ava took a deep breath. She is exhausted. Connor wasn't wrong, Ava did get stuck in a last-minute surgery. A patient was rushed into the E.D. with a pulmonary embolism, and she was the only CT surgeon available. Taking note of the time, she realizes she has no time to go home and change for Connor's party. Luckily, she was afraid something like this would happen so she had brought her dress with her.

Quickly changing into the beautiful black gown, Ava turns around to grab her bag. Suddenly, she saw something on the table — it was Connor's proposal. He had made a few copies and must have left one in the on-call room.

Standing still in front of the table, Ava gently touched the cover of the black folder. There was always something in the back of her mind today. It was Connor's hybrid O.R. She slowly flips it open. A concept image of the futuristic operating room heaves in her sight. This is it. A room that can save tons of lives. A room that can make Med the best hospital in the city. A room that can — make Connor stay.

Ava feels terribly regretful. She thought she can calmly let Connor go, but when it really comes to this moment, she realizes she was wrong. She should've done more, she thought. She should've moved her surgeries today and went to the board herself so they couldn't turn it down without their presence. But it's too late. She's out of options.

Ava closes her eyes. His image is fixed in her head. Connor Rhodes. Rhodes... Wait. There is one last solution. —She remembers that sanctimonious face. But there is no other choice. She can't afford to lose him.

Picking up the folder with the proposal, Ava grabs her bag and went downstairs, then out of the building. Her figure slowly vanished into the night, thin but firm.

Yayy transition's finished! Hope you guys liked it (especially the last two parts). The next one is a big chapter! As always any comments are welcome! Also, I'm not familiar with the medical conditions and do a lot of research when I write about them, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
P.S. I'm a uni student and it's finals season, things are getting a little crazy aha. But I'm gonna do my best to update as fast as possible, so please bear with me! Sorry in advance if I keep you waiting for too long!

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