Chapter 9: You Are My Reason

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[Resuming from 4×5]

[Chicago Med, E.D.]

"Mr. Yates continues to dump blood and it's not slowing down. Heart puts 350 cc per hour, base deficits already at 12. He needs surgery now."

"Can't do that."

"He refused consent. If we operate without his permission, it's considered assault."

"He also is refusing to let us hang any more blood. He would rip that tube out of his own chest if he wasn't in restraints."

"So no immediate family?"

"Both parents deceased, says he never married, no kids."

"He's refusing any outside visitors."

"I'm gonna have him moved upstairs in case you can get him to change his mind." Ava looks up at Dr. Charles and lets out a heavy sigh. Nodding at Goodwin and Connor, she walks into the hallway.

The patient crashed his car in a suicide attempt. Pushing the button for the door, Ava tries to think of ways she can convince him to receive treatment.

"Hey, Avey, you got a second? I need a signature." Suddenly, a voice cuts her thoughts. Connor catches up to her and hands her his iPad.

Taking the tablet, Ava casually signs her name, "What am I signing?"

"It is a petition for a dedicated bypass machine for my satellite O.R." Connor sounds energetic. Cheerful, he seems to be confident about the endeavour.

"The Board's never gonna approve an outlay like that." Ava smiles.

"But maybe they will give me the name of the donor who spearheaded the campaign in the first place, and then I can go hit him or her up for more money." Connor isn't discouraged for the slightest bit. Ava's heart thumps.

Frowning, she tries to sound unintentional: "I thought the donor wanted to remain anonymous." She lowers her head to hide her expressions, only sneaking a few looks at him.

"Look, I am sure whoever it is will be flattered when I come groveling for more." Fortunately, Connor was immersed in his plans and didn't notice her unnaturalness, "Ah, thank you. You are a prince."

Taking his iPad back, Connor leaves in a hurry. What he didn't see was that behind him, the smile on Ava's face slowly disappeared.

[Chicago Med, CT Department]

Ava gives vent to a long sigh.

Keith Yates has Huntington's. From here, he is only going to decline physically, mentally, and behaviourally. The committee has decided to not surgically intervene and make him as comfortable as possible. There is no way for her to help him.

Connor's not making things any easier for her either — he's surprisingly persistent on the bypass machine. She asked Goodwin about the Board's opinion but didn't get a clear answer. She's afraid they might just give in.

"Dr. Bekker?" A voice brought Ava out of her thoughts. A young man approaches her, "I heard you were treating my father? Keith Yates?"

"I'm sorry—" Ava took some time to process what he said, "How did you say you were related?"

"I'm his son, Max. This is my fiancé, Élodie." The man points to the young woman next to him, "We literally just arrived from the airport."

"You're his son?"

"Yes. His neighbour said she heard something about a car crash. I've been calling hospitals, they say he was here." He is extremely anxious, "Is he alright? I want to see him now!"

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