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Text Twenty-One.

Dear Lucien,

If you're reading this, then I'm guessing you've come looking for me after your six hour long boring meeting. It also means you've realize one thing you want to deny; I left.

I am sorry okay but, I don't think I can ever move on from the loss of my wings. Maybe I never said or acknowledged flight like you did but, I love flying, soaring through the sky and it hurts knowing I won't ever be doing that again.

No, it's not your fault, it's Lonera. She's at fault and I want to hate and hurt her so bad but I know that's just the hurt talking. So, I made up my mind to turn a new leaf but the thing is, I want to do it alone. I want to re-define myself and I hope as a friend who is of utmost important to me you respect this decision.

In regards to being your queen, I would tell you to find another contestant but we both know, I can't do that because I can't picture you with any other woman. Yes, I admit I am selfish enough to keep you to myself and also selfish to keep myself from you. I however, will do my duties as queen but we'll have to maintain the distance.

Our moments and time together, I will always treasure. I have loved you and I will always love you no matter our differences. Please find it in your heart to not only forgive but accept this rash decision of mine.

I only have one request after you read this letter; please don't hate me, Lucien.

Shalom my dearest and closest friend. Know that you'll forever be dear to me.

Yours ever,
Zara S.

When Lucien was done reading, he was left shattered. She had given before they took the first step. How cruel could fate be? He had waited for her to open her eyes and now that she had, she was gone.

Veronica walked in to see him leaning again a wall.

"What's wrong, where's Zara?"

"She left."

"And you're sitting here, go get her back..."

"Veronica." She paused her ranting as their eyes locked. "She doesn't want to be found."

"Then she is a fool."

Zara felt different, she felt normal and she hated it. It was like there was a gaping hole at her back. Her wings…

"Earth to Zara." Stacey snapped her finger in front of her face.

"Yet another bland photo. Zara get your act together. It's been three months."

"I'm sorry Stacey but, I am feeling a bit under the weather."

"Really, does this particular under the weather syndrome happen to go by the name Lucien Sinclair."

Zara's body heated up at the sound of his name. "Stacey…"

"You went to his town last week, did you have a run in?"

It had been three months since the entire ordeal of leaving Lucien and it's safe to say, she felt...lost?

"No, we didn't."

"Then why have you been living like a zombie for the past three months? If you love him go back to him, Zee. I mean look at you, you're always lost in your little bubble, you can barely sleep without those meds you think I don't know about." She paused then sighed. "Face, it Zee you’re not alive anymore."

"I am perfectly fine."

"Stop pretending you are fine when you aren't." Stacey yelled fed up with her friend’s lies. "You know what, come find me when you've fixed yourself. Then we'll talk, Zara." She stomped her way to the door and left.

Zara sighed and bowed her head. Memories of when Lucien came back into her life, taunting her with what she depriving herself off.

She stood up and took off her mask to really stare at her face.

"I need a vacation." She mumbled to herself as she gazed into her tired eyes.

"Did you organise everything?"

Veronica gave him a skeptical look. "Are you sure about this you're risking everything for her, Lucien, are you certain?"

"Veronica, Zara isn't the only one to make the rash decisions in our relationship. So just do me a favour and prepare for tomorrow."

She left with saying a word, leaving him in his misery that he hoped would soon end because he couldn't take being away from his other half for much longer.

Zara was at the airport. She was lucky to find a ticket to France on such short notice but, she guessed the universe was in her favour.

She tapped her feet anxiously, her suitcase by her side while she took a cursory look around her.

Her eyes found a poster of one of Lucien's books that was being made into a movie; forget me not… she remembered his inspiration for the story was from a particular event in their childhood.

It was five years into their friendship, Lucien was fifteen and she was twelve. Well, Lucien's mother planned to send Lucien and his cousin away to their uncle's place down south. They were to go by water and Lucien moaned to her during their weekly meeting in the library of how horrible his holiday would be without her there to brighten his mood and how she can't ever forget about him or go around looking for new friends.

She was jerked out of her thoughts by her cell phone vibrating in her pocket.

She answered. "Hello, who's this?"

"Am I through to Zara Clarke?"

"Yes, this is she speaking. Who are you?"

"Sadly, your well wishers. You need to come back to Angel Groves, like right now."


"If you love Lucien as much as you claim. You take the fastest means of transport down here."

"Wait, who are you and why would Lucien need me?"

"I wonder why he fell for you. Lucien is about to get his wings cut so you can come back to him so, if you really love him, then I suggest you come here and fast because he's having it done this night." Veronica hung up thereafter.

Zara called her back immediately, stunned by her words. "Please don't hang up, I need your help."

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