Chapter 3 ~ Copley

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I sat down on this weird orange colour sofa next to Joe, and Nicky brought out a small tea set and placed it on a small wooden table which sat in the middle of 2 sofas and a seat. The red tea pot was holding tea on the inside of it and I noticed Booker fill a cup of his whiskey from his hip flask. I scoffed as I used another small cup and poured in the tea. 

I sipped it lightly, as I watched Nicky pull something out of his pocket and hand it over towards Andy.

"I have something for you.." he said lightly, handing over a small thing wrapped in silver paper. Andy took it immediately, she never would say it but she secretly loved presents. Both giving them and receiving them, and she would never admit that she deserved getting presents and receiving them. She brought the small parcel up to her nose and smelt it. It was some sort of food, and we usually had these bets where we guessed what flavours she might pick up, and if she said the flavours you guessed, then you would win whatever money went into the bet.

"Five Hundred Booker..." gambled Nicky. I sighed, he always bet loads of money and always lost. It wasn't going to change.

"All right. All in, here it is" Booker said, as he pulled out all the cash he had in his pockets. I scoffed, and leaned further into Joe as I watched my family gamble against each other, knowing we shared most money anyways.

Andy opened up the wrapper and revealed the food, and she took a bite of it. We waited anxiously as she moaned at how beautiful the flavours were. We all stared at her as she chewed.

"Hazelnut...not Walnut. The Black Sea... Rosewater.." she said, as Booker held up 3 fingers to say he was winning, "Pomegranate...Eastern Turkey.."

"OWWWW!" Shouted Booker in celebration and me and Joe joined in as Nicky walked towards the window devastated and Booker thanked him for the money in Italian to piss him off even more.

"Prego, Prego, Prego..." replied Nicky sarcastically. Sometimes he can be a sore loser, but it was funny to watch after the 100th time he lost.

We all chuckled at his reaction and he sat down in the single chair and rubbed his hands over his face, I guess he just realised he owes Booker 500 pounds. I turned to Joe and he kissed my forehead lightly and then turned to Andy.

"Admit it Boss, you missed us..."

We all turned to Andy, and she took her time as she truly looked at us closely. She nodded her head and smiled at us, after all its been a year and were family. We've been together for Centuries, and we've been through it all together. Its hard to go alone when your so used to having someone to protect your back, front and sides.

 "I did"

"Its a job, guys.." added Booker to clear the quiet air. He sighed as he said it, we never did repeats and if we did this job, it could be a high risk to us.

"We can do some good." said Nicky. I smiled towards him even though he was watching Andy. Nicky was -after nearly 1000 years- still so full of light and hope, and after everything wrong the human race as done since 1069, he was still willing to help people who were in bad places, and it was so inspiring to be with human such as Nicky everyday.

"Have you been watching the news lately?" Andy fired back, as much as i loved Andy, she had lost hope these past few years. She realised how bad the world had become from whatever year she became immortal, and she had given up on it, "Some good means nothing..."

She got up and walked to the wide open window in the room and looked out onto the Marrakesh streets below us, "I don't know about this guys, We're not helping."

"I know you needed a break, but its been over a year, boss." said Joe from beside me, his voice was soft and understanding and if this situation wasn't serious, I probably would have fallen asleep then and there.

"This is what we do Andy.." I jumped in. 

I could see the conflict in her closed eyes, they were moving with the workings of her brain, trying to figure out what she wanted to do. To be honest, we've never went on a mission without her so if she didn't help us, it would mean we either did it ourselves or we didn't end up doing at all. Andy rubbed her fingers together in order to concentrate, but then looked towards Booker who nodded at her with a slight encouraging smile.

"I'll hear him out." she finally said.

(Time skip brought to you by Copley)

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(Time skip brought to you by Copley)

Andy and Booker made their way out of the Hotel and down into the busy streets to meet up with Mr. Copley who we met years ago back when we did something here. Its different now however, he's now freelance. Nicky had a gun pointing to Mr. Copley to make sure he was clean and didn't try anything, and Joe set up the radio so we could hear everything that was going on. We attached the mic to Booker on the way out.

"Last time I checked, you had to be American to be in the CIA" Andy immediately picked out things about Mr. Copley as we had always been told to do. I chuckled as it came through the radio, Andy was one tough son of a bitch to handle.

"I was born in Boston, moved to London when I was 3." he replied with smoothly, he wasn't under pressure from what I could see which means he wasn't lying.

"So why did you leave the agency, Mr. Copley?" Andy then questioned further.

"My wife got sick... ALS. She died two years ago. Just haven't found my way back yet..." he replied slowly. I tried to pin point what was wrong about him, was he replying slow because he didn't want to talk about it? or because he was lying? I don't know what it was but if he was finding it hard to get back to the agency, why was he asking us to help him in Marrakesh? Of all places and why us?

"Yesterday afternoon local. A school southwest of Juba was attacked by a militia. They murdered the teachers and abducted 17 of the students at gunpoint. The youngest was eight... oldest, 13." Mr. Copley said, so this was our case to solve. 

"South Sudanese asked the US for help, but current administrations policy is to deny aid to any nonstrategic allies... Some of my ex-colleagues at the CIA feel differently. They reached out to me and I'm reaching out to you. The last overfly confirmed the personnel on site. No food or water being brought in." I listened to Mr. Copley carefully, he was explaining everything he knew but this case just sounded odd to me. 

How are the children still alive if your monitoring that no food or water are getting to them? I didn't worry to much about it, that wasn't my job, it was Bookers to check if everything was in order and we weren't being used or set up.

"You can name your price.." said Mr. Copley to Andy as he clearly knew she was the Leader.

"Ill invoice you when its done.." said Andy as she got up from the table and walked away from Mr. Copley. Booker got up and quickly followed her, he knew better not to question anything but we all knew Andy was finally on board with this mission to save Abducted school girls.

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