Chapter 10 - Onwards

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It had been a while since Andy left but we all knew she was okay, so we decided to switch off the conversations, the laptop and waited till the fire died out a little to fall asleep. The floor wasn't the most comfy but like I said, you get used to it. I fell asleep beside Booker to keep warm, and mostly because I felt alone without Nicky or Joe. It took me longer to sleep but then Booker grabbed my hand during the night and said in French, "Allez vous dormir. Arrête de bouger autant." (Go to sleep. Stop moving so much.)

The morning slowly came, and when I woke up I felt like I had slept for 20 years. I couldn't picture my surroundings for a good 2 minutes due to the amount of tiredness and sleep in my eyes. I looked around both Nile and Andy were gone. I turned around and Booker was sitting up with his laptop open again. Then a loud ping sounded from his laptop.

"I've found them. Your not going to like this. They're in London." He said as he picked up his jacket quickly. I followed his lead, not bothering about London and ran outside to find Andy and Nile.

They were waiting by the car, Andy looked like she had no sleep and Nile standing in front of her holding her phone. Booker ran out the bushes and me following after him.

"Guys, I found something. An address just outside of London."

I watched as Andy sorted herself out and took back Niles phone from her. I ran back into he cave with Booker and we packed essential bags such as clothes if needed, and a bag full of food and weapons. Not that food will be much on our minds, especially not mine.

I have never been back in England since 1491, my death. I never went back in fear of being judged or recognised. I was a royal, some of my paintings -which were scarily accurate even though painters back in those times liked to seriously exaggerate some of your features- were probably up in some museums. Plus, there's a promise that I broke.

I threw the bags in the boot of the car, and we wasted no time in getting in the car. Booker phoned Francis telling him to meet us at the top of France, as we needed a lift to the bottom Of England. Our plan was to catch them by surprise. We would drive to where Copley lives, or works which is in Surrey and any information we needed on Where Nicky and Joe is, he would surely give it to us.

We drove fast in the countryside, getting to the top of France in 2 hours. Francis was waiting for us there, and we put all of ours bags and such in the plane and off we set. Francis winked at me, as I gave him 500 American dollars. I scoffed and walked away, his eyes lingering on me.

"I'm a royal Francis, I can have you executed!" I shouted back at him.

"It would still be an honour Mamacita!"

I chuckled, he wasn't so bad all the time. We got in the plane and Francis started it up. We arrived in England about 50 minutes after, and we landed in a large field. The plane doors opened and the fresh English country air hit me after nearly 500 years. I smiled, nothing like home after all.

"Come on Elizabeth..." said Andy as she pushed me into a run.

Francis had friends apparently, as he handed us a silver car at the side of this country road. We didn't question it and said thanks as we all clambered in after putting our bags in the boot. I looked at Nile who looked a bit dishevelled at how fast we were moving. Booker was telling Andy directions on where to go, and we were swerving through trees and fields to get there faster.

We came to a little clearing, and from where we parked, we could see a very modern house with massive glass windows which blacked out from the outside. We got out the car quickly but quietly, and Booker opened the boot, gave Andy a hand gun and then myself one.

"Go scout the back." She order us. We nodded and went around these massive bushes in order to see the house better and see our way in. It didn't look guarded, why not? Surely Copley knew we would eventually find him? Even if he is really good at security.

"Ellie?" Booker whispered in front of me.

"What?" I asked back.

"« Je veux que tu saches que je t'aime. Je sais que je ne sais pas dis-le souvent, mais est-ce que ça va?" He said quielty, he didnt look at me. ("I want you to know that I love you. I know I don't say it often, but do I okay?)

"I know you do Booker, I love you too."

Why was he telling me he loved me? I looked at the back of his head, Booker was never one to say his feelings. I raised my hand slowly, gently putting it on the back of his head. I smoothed down his hair, and he slowly turned to look at me. His face was flushed red, I frowned.

"What's going on Booker? Your family to me, you can tell me." I said softly, trying to keep his attention on me. He opened his mouth about to say something when Andy walked around the corner with a bigger gun than she was handed.

"Where's Nile?" he asked instead.

"Its you, Ellie and me. Now and always." She replied with as she walked past us to go first like always. Booker turned and followed her with his gun raised, I took my gun from my pocket and raised it as well looking out for my surroundings.

We got to the house, it being completely unguarded and silent. Weird. We entered easily, the door wasn't even locked. It was like someone was asking us to come in. I followed behind Andy up some spiral stairs to the second floor of the house. I covered Andy's back as she walked up the stairs and fully onto the floor. I walked up and kept myself close to her.

The room to our right was open, and a single solitary person was standing in there, facing away from us. Copley. We kept silent, and Booker nodded to go in as he checked the other side of the hallway for anymore people who might be in the house, hiding. Andy and I stepped into the room, pointing our guns to the back of the man. I scanned the room quickly, in my line of sight was a whole bunch of mess.

"Where are they?" asked Andy in a leaders tone.

Copley turned around slowly, and walked towards us with his hands in his pockets. He knew we were coming, "Andromache the Scythian. The eternal warrior."

I frowned, now he knows Andy's old name. I looked past him a quick second, keeping my gun sorely pointed at him. A bunch of old photos and newspaper articles, and textbook photos and post it notes which were written all of our names.

"Book?" Andy asked.

"I'm right here." Booker confirmed as he stood by the door.

"Where are Joe and Nicky?" Andy asked.

Then a shot was suddenly fired and I turned quick and raised my gun at Booker who just shot Andy and when I pulled the trigger, my gun never fired. I looked down to see if it was jammed but, I came to realisation that this was all set up and my gun had no bullets in.

"I'm so sorry Ellie." Booker said, then i was shot in the head. I heard a distance scream from Andy but everything was far away, like I had hit water and was drowning. Quynh found herself swimming in my death dreams.

I woke up to pure chaos. I was being lifted up into some soldiers arms. I looked around, Booker was shouting and Andy was thrashing about of the floor, bleeding. They got her pinned down and put something into her neck, I blinked hard and tried to open my mouth but it was so dry. I looked to Booker and the same thing happened to him. Tiredness took over me and I passed out once more.

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