Chapter 6 - Afghan

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We never went back into the city of Marrakesh, news was bout to spread about us in the city. Instead, we walked around the outside of the inner city and went to where the major trains go to deliver big things for Morocco. We jumped inside one so we could travel far away from Marrakesh. 

The train compartment we were staying in was rectangular mostly, and pretty spacey with exception of a few things lying around. Such as wooden boards and odd bits of rope lying around. There was definitely enough room for sleeping which is what i planned to do, well its what we all planned to do. We have this rule that whenever we're travelling and have time to sleep we should, as we never really know what's going to happen when we get off this train so we need to be in top shape.

Andy sat down first against the wall which faced the train compartment door, and didn't talk to anyone. Booker took the spot further up the train compartment and sat against a few piled up wooden boards. Nicky, Joe and I sat together against the wall facing Andy, overall next to the small opening we left in the door so we could breath in here.

I sat first, Joe sitting next to me and then Nicky the closest to the door. I leaned my head against Joes shoulder as the train started to move forward and take its course.

"Well that was eventful, wasn't it my loves?" I stated quietly beside Joe. I wasn't even sure if Nicky had heard me.

"Andy ltqajna verament rrabjata, inti ma attwalment jaħsbu hi magħmula inti?" (Andy got really angry, you don't actually think she's done do you?) asked Nicky from the other side of Joe, except i could hear him perfectly as he spoke clear and loud. Nicky, Joe and I decided to learn how to speak Maltese without Booker and Andy knowing, so they didn't understand us as we spoke.

"Le, Andy tgħid affarijiet il-ħin kollu imma naħseb jekk xi ħaġa għada tinżel, hi ser tkun dritt lura magħna." Joe replied softly. (No, Andy says things all the time but i think if something tomorrow goes down, she'll be right back with us.)

"Hija stubborn Joe. Ma nkunx ċert li taf..." I replied softly while looking at Andy who was trying to get comfy to sleep. (She's stubborn Joe. I wouldn't be to sure...")

He huffed at me jokingly and all three of us laughed, Nicky moved to lie down and start getting some sleep. I got up onto my knees quickly and shuffled over to Booker who had his eyes closed but i could tell he wasn't sleeping. His wandering mind was to loud. I quickly pecked his cheek, and then shuffled over to Andy to do the same. As i did, she spoke up.

"You three need to stop speaking about me in Maltese" she teased with a small smile. I chuckled and looked back to Nicky and Joe with raised eyebrows.

"You know how to speak Maltese?" Joe asked shocked, we had technically been talking about her -not in a negative way- but it was behind her back. I smiled at Andy as she was looking at me with a teasing smile herself.

"No, but how can i not understand Andy in any language?" she said as if it was obvious. 

I laughed and shuffled to lie back behind Joe. After a few hours, all of us managed to fall asleep, i was the big spoon to Joe and Nicky, Nicky being the small spoon and Joe lying in the middle. I never really liked being in the middle, i don't know why. Probably because i got to anxious about moving a lot and pissing off Nicky and Joe. Probably because i was scared id get to hot and not be able to sleep. I never really liked it so i was always the small or big spoon.

A pop of colour flashed into my dreams, pink and green swirled together to form some sort of picture. It was like when i had died the first time and seen everyone in my dreams. The colours made out a sign, with Afghanistan on in black, bold lettering. I then saw a woman getting her throat slit with some sort of knife but that wasn't clear enough to depict from my dream. 

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