21 - if only

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yeah i'm sorry


Today was Mr. Stark's big banquet!! He'd been planning it for a while, but I just found out it's tonight. Guess he didn't realize his guests needed to know when the actual party was.

(or the author finally wanted something exciting to happen 💀)

"You excited, Pete?" Clint asks as he sips his mug of hot cocoa. It's getting to be winter, and New York is definitely feeling the cold.

I stare at Clint, confused. "Excited for what?"

"The banquet?" Nat walks into the room, smirking at my seemingly stupid question.

"Wait..." I freeze. "You mean I get to go?!" My eyes widen with excitement.

"Uh, yeah?" Clint chuckles, sipping his cocoa again.

I explode.

Well, maybe not explode. But you get the picture!

"Oh, this is gonna be awesome! Can I invite some friends?" I question with wide, excited doe-eyes.

Natasha turns away from the coffee machine she had been using to glance at me analytically, "What friends? How long have you known them?"

Clint raises an eyebrow at her, "Geez, Tasha—they're just teenagers."

"Yeah, teenagers I don't know." She raises her eyebrows back at him in retort. "Or trust."

My bubbly mood evaporates at her seemingly cruel words. Natasha notices. "Yet." She finishes with a reassuring sigh. The corners of my mouth perk up again into their usual bright smile.

"So is that a yes?!" I quake in my seat.

Natasha's eyes analyze mine for a moment before she gives in. "Sure." She turns back to the coffee maker, her posture a bit tenser than it had been before.

"Yes!" I pump a fist in the air. "Oh, this is gonna be so cool! Ned's gonna be so excited! I wonder if MJ could come?" I murmur to myself as my mind starts to race a million miles per hour.

"Just make sure you're safe, please?" She asks without turning, pausing for a moment. "I don't want you in danger, especially with Lord Voldemort staying with us."

Clint's voice escalates from a terror-filled whisper to a shriek, "He whO SHALT NOT BE NAMED-"

There's a tingle at the back of my neck, and I spin around to find Loki standing there now. "Someone call?" He smirks slyly at Natasha.

"Nope, go away, Swiper." Nat mutters as she turns around, sipping her newly brewed cup of coffee. "You're not wanted here." Her tone is blunt, unforgiving.

"Ouch, Tasha. I thought we were close." Loki feigns hurt.

Nat scoffs, "Wouldn't touch you with a 39 and a half foot pole."

Clint's head bobs up from being dipped with his cup of hot chocolate, "Was that a Grinch reference-"

"Drink your cocoa, Clint." She waves him off as she goes to stand at the counter opposite where I'm sitting. I'm sure she's only standing there to make sure Loki doesn't try to mess with me while I sit here.

"Grinch?" Loki echos, raising an eyebrow. Clint and Tasha sit silently, confused at Loki's response.

I turn to get a better look at him, "You don't know who the Grinch is?" Sometimes I forget that some people who live here have come from different parts of the universe. What I've known all my life is nothing to them.

How'd You Get This Number? // mamaspiderWhere stories live. Discover now