22 - party time!

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surprise! (: i had a bought of inspiration and i literally wrote three chapters in one day. i could've saved them for later but...i felt generous *hair flip*

also i posted the first three chapters of my solangelo fic! go check that out!! <3


We were about an hour into the banquet. People of varying ages walked around the room, dressed in tuxes and cocktail dresses. The Avengers were scattered, conversing with a bunch of different random people.

Ned, MJ, and I were currently trying to deduce which one of us could consume the most amount of chocolate covered marshmallows before we puke.

"I mean, Peter would digest them faster than either of us." Ned rubs his chin in thought as he stares at the plate in front of us.

"Yeah, but girls like chocolate, right?" I offer, raising my eyebrows at MJ. She smacks me upside the head and I snicker at my own joke. "Kidding." I rub the back of my head.

"I mean is he wrong though?" Ned contests, earning himself a smack to the back of the head as well. "HeY-" He shrieks.

We all end up just digging into the chocolate mess on the dish in front of us, savoring each bite. "Hey, who's that guy?" Ned asks between bites. He points casually to the corner of the room.

I turn around to look, chills running up my spine when I see Loki standing there, watching us carefully. Once he notices he has our attention, he disappears into the crowd of people. "Uh, Loki." I reply as my eyes scan the influx of party-goers for the god of mischief.

"Loki?!" Ned practically shrieks at me. "Like the-" He seems at a loss for words as his arms flail wildly, "-Loki?!"

"Pretty sure that was gibberish." MJ hums as she eats another strawberry. "Or lack thereof."

"Yeah..." I'm lost in thought as I give up on trying to find a visual on the guy. I've been avoiding him all night, much to Nat's approval and my dismay.

"Peter?" MJ taps my shoulder lightly. I jump surprisedly, caught up in my thoughts. "Sorry." She raises her palms in surrender.

"Sorry, I got distracted." My attention returns to my best friends. "I'll be right back."

Ignoring Ned's anxious questions and MJ's concerned glance, I stand and push my way into the mass of entrepreneurs. My eyes focus directly in front of me as I walk, my mind working to try to identify Loki's voice out of the hundreds of peoples' in the room.

A sharp pain pangs in the back of my head as I realize that might be too big of a feat for me to accomplish.

My head bops into a chest, and for a moment, I think it's Loki's. I look up at them, my eyes struggling to focus. They must notice my disorientation, considering they grab me by the shoulders and pull me off to the side.

"Pete? Kid?" Mr. Stark's hand waves in front of my face. "You okay?"

I shake my head subtly, trying to bring myself back to the present. "Hm?" I look up at him.

"Are you okay?" He reiterates with an emphasis on each word.

"Yeah, sorry, just got super loud for a second." I reply dazedly. He shakes my shoulder gently and I'm brought back to reality again.

He eyes me concernedly. "Let's just take a break for a second." He's probably worried about my heightened senses.

I nod, scratching the back of my head as I take a few deep breaths. "So..." I start curiously, "Do you think Loki—?"

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