Chapter VII

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Several months passed, and Nicole's belly once again started getting bigger and she started progressing through her pregnancy. Every day Jesse woke up, he would smile his nerdy little smile and would smooch his wife then rub her belly.
"You're getting bigger each day." He said one day.
"I know, babe. Our little baby is growing."
"I can't wait to be a dad to our little one."
"You'll be the best one you could ever be and I know it." She smiled.
"This baby won't be our last. After this one grows up a little bit, we will have another."
"I'm going to have to go through all this sh*t again?!"
"Well, yeah."
"Hell, no! We are having one kid and that is final!"
"But, I have a say in this..."
"I have more say than you do."
"I thought you enjoyed having sex with me."
"Not when I have to get pregnant. Jess, I've been miserable these past seven months."
"What's been miserable for you?"
"Everything! My damn back hurts more than half the time, when this ******* thing kicks me I pee my pants, and I'm constantly in and out of the restroom vomiting from the foods it hates."
"Can I do anything for you?"
"Take this god damn baby out of me!" She shook him.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Nicole."
"I can't stand another month carrying this damn thing."
"The worst part is nearly over, babe. You've got two more months left." Jesse reassured.
"Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick..." She groaned and threw up all over Jesse's white sleep shirt.
He sighed. "Well, I better get used to that. Hell, our damn child's gonna be doing that all the time."
"I need to wash that shirt anyway. You got coffee on it from this morning."
"I'll wash it. You stay in bed." He smiled and did the laundry.
"You don't have to do that, Jess."
"Nicole, you shouldn't be doing anything really. You're pregnant so just let me do everything." He insisted and she laid in the bed.
"I love you, Jess. You're a good husband."
"I love you too, babe." He smiled and joined her in the bed.
"You wanna hear the baby's heartbeat?"
"Yeah. How come we never use that thing?"
"I don't know, you never mention you wanted to use it."
"Yes, I have mentioned using it! I mentioned we should have used it two months ago..."
"Ok, we'll use it." "Do you wanna rub the jelly?"
"I do and I want to use the doom-a-flochy."
"You know where to rub it, right?"
"Yes, I rub it on your belly. I'm not stupid, Nicole."
"Ok, I was just making sure."
He rubbed the jelly onto her stomach and listened to the baby's heartbeat. Jesse sighed as the pulsating beat created a rhythm throughout his head so he rested his head on top of her belly and closed his eyes, dreaming of what the baby would do when it got there."Oh, it's hard to believe I got you so damn pregnant."
"Not really, Jess. You don't recall the time we humped all over your desk?"
"I do remember that. I also remember feeling like a dumbass when your dad got pissed off because I lied to him about not having sex with you." He looked up at her.
"He had a brief chat with me after I told him the truth. When I told him that you and I were sort of "dating," he said he threatened to "chop off your testicles."
"I believe he wanted to chop my balls off. Hell, the man showed me this axe-like knife he'd cut them off with. Who knows what he does with that goddamn thing!"
"He butchers pigs with it."
"I bet he cuts those pigs ding-a-lings off too."
"More than likely."
"I'm glad I'm not a pig. Oink, oink."
"Me too."
"Ugh, how my sexual urges are getting the best of me." Mr. Whitfield groaned.
"Is that all you think about?"
"No, I think about other things like how the New York Anchors are doing in the playoffs."
"You love your football."
"Well, I'm more of a basketball freak than anything. The Anchors are better at basketball than they are at football."
"I think so too." Nicole agreed.
"Stop buttering me up. It's making me want to have sex even more."
"I know how desperately you want to have intercourse, but we can't now that this bump is here." She pointed to her large belly and he whined disgustedly.
"Ugh, I know. I might hurt the baby or something. Why do I have to have such a craving for sex?" Jesse rolled his eyes.
"It's probably your testosterone levels again."
"Oh, I've got to do something to get my mind off it."
"Why don't you walk the dog?" Nicole suggested.
"That's a good idea." He smiled and kissed her on the forehead, leaving to take the dog out for a walk. He walked for a good 15 minutes then came back in to check on his wife.
"You feel better now, babe?" She asked.
"Mostly. How are you feeling?"
"Pretty good, just very tired."
"I'm a little tired myself."
"Do you wanna hit the hay or do you wanna watch a movie."
"Let me brush my teeth and then I'll let you know." He said, going to brush his teeth.
"Is it normal for me to be this tired?" Nicole asked him.
"I mean you are pregnant," Jesse mumbled through brushing.
"Yeah, but I barely did anything today."
"I think you just worry too much, love." He spat in the sink and rinsed off his brush.
"I don't want this one to come early this time is all."
"I doubt it will come early. You're like more than halfway done with your pregnancy."
"You're right, I'm just thinking too much."
He got under the covers with her and snuggled up beside her. "Two more months."
"Are you sleep talking again?"
"No. Two more months and then the baby arrives." He took off his glasses.
"That's true." She smiled and turned off the lamp.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now