Chapter IX

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At the hospital, Nicole bawled in excruciating pain. Jesse held her hand and rubbed it speaking smoothly.
"Babe, don't worry I'm going to be here the whole time. I promise."
A female doctor came in with a clipboard of notes and smiled.
"Hey mom, how are we doing?"
"I want to pull my husband's **** off!"
"Damn, baby. I can't believe you'd want to do that after you told me nine months ago, you wanted me to "put it in you."
"I didn't think this would come out of us having sex that night."
"I think the only reason you got pregnant was because the condom snapped off when I humped the crap out of you."
"Ugh, how I want to bathe your balls in dry ice."
"Why the hell would you do something like that?!"
"Well for one it's because you got me ******* pregnant!"
"I'm sorry but it's kind of hard to tell my **** not to produce sperm."
"Your damn thing wouldn't produce sperm if you had a-"
"Oh no, don't you dare tell me to get a vasectomy."
"If you got one, we could have sex all the time and we wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant."
"You could take birth control you know!"
"I could but I'm allergic to it."
"How the hell are you allergic to birth control?!"
"I don't know ask my allergies!"
"Calm down guys. We're trying to deliver a baby here, not get into an argument."
"You're right nurse Annette."
"My name is Joel, but whatever."
"You look like nurse Annette."
"That's my sister, but we do look a lot alike."
"Let me guess you delivered your sister."
"Jesse!" Nicole punched him.
"What?" He asked her.
"I did in fact deliver my sister." The nurse replied and left to go get something.
"Ha!" He pointed at his wife.
"That was a little rude, Jess."
"Well, I was right!"
"I know but..."
"But what, babe?"
"Ugh, nevermind..."
"Are you mad because I got your goat?" He chuckled.
"Yes, but I'm also mad because I'm tired of being fat." She sobbed.
"Oh honey." He comforted her on the side of the bed. "You're not fat."
"Yes, I am."
"No, you're not."
"This baby is what's making me look fat."
"No, that baby is what's making you look like my pregnant wife." Mr. Whitfield smiled.
"You really think so?"
He nodded. "Hell, you are my wife. I mean who did you marry again?" He tapped his golden ring with his thumb.
"You. You little bastard."
"Aw shucks. I'm not a little bastard, I'm your baby."
"Damn right you are!"
"And I'll always be your baby." Jesse smooched her forehead and rubbed her belly. "This one right here will always be our baby."
"No doubt, come here and give me a hug." Nicole smiled and he squeezed her.
"Oh, how I love you."
"And how I love you."
"I'm surprised that you aren't screaming in pain right now babe."
"Me too." She sighed and a big contraction hit her. "Ooo! Ahh!"
"Easy there babe, just breathe." He rubbed her back.
"Aghhh!" Nicole groaned. "I think the baby's coming."
Jesse looked around for a button or something to call back the nurse. "Sh*t! Where's the ******* button?!"
"Babe, help!" She cried.
"****, ****, ****, ****, ****! Where the hell did the damn nurse go?!"
"You're going to have to deliver this baby, there's no time."
"But I'm a teacher, not a doctor!" He cried.
"How can a science teacher not know a thing about reproduction?"
"Well, it's complicated..."
"Are you gonna help me deliver this god damn baby or not?!"
"I'll try Nicole but it's not like I know anything about-" he put gloves on his hands and reached his hand inside his wife to pull out the baby.
"Agh!" She moaned.
"Oh God, this is so gross, ugh." Jesse gagged.
"Just grab something and pull."
"That's the problem, I don't do blood. Just-just tell me when it's over."
"Jess, baby you have to help me I'm in pain here."
"Okay, well just breathe and push then I'll do the rest I guess..."
"Ahhh! Ooo! Agh!" Nicole pushed the baby out and her disgusted husband reluctantly pulled it out. Finally, the baby was there, so Jesse wiped his head with a sigh.
"Once again, I am not a doctor."
"You did good babe."
"I did it! The baby's here all because of me. I'm a proud father to a-" He checked the sex of the baby. "A baby boy!"
"Woo! I'm glad that pain is over."
He got in the bed and held the baby beside her. "Me too."
"Look babe, he's holding your finger." Nicole noticed.
"Oh yeah. Huh, he's kinda cute. He needs a name more than anything."
"How about Ben?"
"Eck! That was my nasty father's name."
"Ok, how about Tim or Timmy?"
"No, it's got to fit."
"What about Rob or Robert?"
Mr. Whitfield thought to himself for a moment. "Ooo, ooo! I've got it. What about Nathaniel? We'll call him Nate."
"I love it and I love you."
"Oh, how you just butter me up inside." He chuckled in the bed with his around her.
"Did you bring a onesie?"
"Umm... Let me check." He checked his duffel bag he packed and found a green and blue onesie and a diaper.
"Do you want to dress our son?"
"Hell yeah! I'll feel like the proud dad that I am." He smiled and dressed his son.
"You can come back over here now, Jess." Nicole motioned for him to come over.
"I'm coming, babe." He got back in bed with her.
"He's got his father's eyes."
"He sure does, he sure does."
"And look at that hair."
"Yep, Nate looks exactly like his daddy. Ha! Screw you Dad!"
"Jess, what on Earth are you talking about?"
"My father told me that the only way he would love me, was if I knocked up a woman. And since you were pregnant-"
"You one his bet?"
"Double yes! I knocked you up and the baby looks exactly like me."
"Oh, so your bet was to get me pregnant and have our child look exactly like you."
"So is your father dead or-"
"He's in prison for murdering my mom. It's a good thing I'm not in prison for helping him bury her."
"You buried your mom?"
"I-I don't wanna talk about it."
"Sorry I brought it up."
"No, no it's fine."
"No, it's not."
"It's ok, Nicole. Just drop it." He snapped.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm fine." He left out the room.
"Babe, where are you going?"
Jesse didn't answer her back so she could tell she messed up. She got out of the bed with their child and walked out after him.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now