Chapter XII

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"Waaah! Waaah! Waaah!" Baby Nate cried.
"Jess, will you be a dear and tend to Nate please? I'm busy making dinner."
"Yes, babe." He sighed and got up from his desk to go care for his son.
"Thank you, honey."
Jesse ran into the room and picked up the baby with his soothing hands.
"Shhh! Shhh! Nate, it's ok." He reassured, rocking his son in his arms. The slightest touch from Jesse's arms calmed the baby, so it knew it was safe and in good hands.
After Nicole finished dinner, Jesse gave his son a bottle and he went to sleep as he rocked him in the rocking chair. Nicole came into the room and saw her two boys sound asleep. She lightly tapped on her husband.
"Babe, babe."
"Huh? What?" He stretched his legs gently and yawned.
"It's 8:30 don't you think you should go to bed? Besides you're already tired, babe."
"Just get me a martini on the rocks and I should be fine."
"Babe, wouldn't you like a coffee or something else instead?"
"Fine, I'll have a beer."
"Jesse, would you stop and look at yourself for a moment!"
"Nicole, keep your voice down you'll wake the baby." He whispered.
"I'm sorry Jess, but you starting this drinking craze, makes me think you're turning into your father."
"Oh my God, I never thought of it like that. I'm glad you informed me. I'll start limiting my stóli and alcohol doses a day."
"Thank you."
"Ooo! My foot's asleep, do you mind putting Nate to bed?"
"Not at all, babe." She smiled and put Nate in the crib.
Jesse eased up. "Ahh... What'd ya say we play it dirty tonight?"
"Jess!" She punched him lightly.
"What, baby?" He chuckled.
"Not in front of Nate."
"But he's a baby, he won't even know what we're doing."
"Jess, he won't be a baby forever one day he's going to come in the room and ask you ''Daddy what are you and Mommy doing?'' And what will you say?"
"I'll tell him we're being grownups and he'll learn how to **** when he gets older."
"Jesse Ryan!"
"So what exactly are you going to tell your son? Are you gonna tell him that we-"
"No, I'm going to set him down real gentle like, and tell him about the birds and the bees."
"The birds and the bees?! That's basically like telling him straight up sex!"
"Yes, but it's in a better format. I'll like use a different tone or something when I tell him. Like when those announcers tell you about discount shoes."
"You're a nimrod."
"Probably. But I'm also going to tell him how to jerk off."
She gasped. "Oh my God! You're going to teach him sex?! So what you're going to be his sex-coach or something?"
"Yeah, his dad sex-coach."
"Oh sh*t. Sex is going to come on way too strong for him."
"Maybe, but at least he'll know what it is."
"I can't believe I married an idiot like you."
"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot? I have a 210 IQ!"
"You don't use it."
"Damn, just damn."
"I think that was a burn, Jesse."
"Mother ******* burn my ass."
"Jess! You're talking in front of your own kid here."
"I don't care anymore."
"You don't care! What if he says sh*t, damn, or hell?!"
"I'll say, "yay Nate."
"You asshole."
"I'm not an asshole."
"Yes, you are."
"Nicole, call me an asshole one more time and I'm leaving."
"Fine, you're a big whopping, unmatured, clingy, idiotic, whole ass, ignoramus-like asshole."
"You've made a huge mistake, Nicole. Damn." He sneered and left out the door.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now