Chapter XVIII

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Six years flew by and soon Jesse was awoken by his lousy alarm clock. He got up with a groan and rubbed his tiresome eyes. Jesse glanced at the empty side of the bed where Nicole used to lie and saw a hallucination of her smile. Mr. Whitfield shook his head with a gloomy face and walked towards the kitchen. He heard his son smooching pleasurably behind the door of his room, so he opened it with an angry face.
"Oh, Candice. Mmmm." Nate moaned.
Nate's father cleared his throat. "Can you explain why your clothes are scattered about?"
"I forgot to do my laundry?" Nate said, skeptically.
"Uh-huh. Outside right now, I want to have a word with you."
"Yes, Dad." Nate put on a shirt and followed his father out the door.
"What the hell were you doing?"
"Dad, please. It's not what it looks like. I-I was only making out with her I swear."
"You sound very suspicious."
"I swear on my life that I was not having intercourse with Candice."
"Baby, come back and soothe my innocent concupiscent desires." Candice pleaded.
Mr. Whitfield glared at him with his foot tapping on the hardwood floor.
"Um, about that."
"About that-you're grounded young man. I don't want to hear another word and you can tell that Candice character to scram."
"I said-"
"Yes, Dad." Nate walked back in his room and asked Candice to leave. She left heart broken and Nate pouted at his father.
"Don't give me that lip!"
"You happy now? She's gone and she's upset you hurt her feelings."
"You broke a rule of this household young man, you had sex with the girl in rubber!"
"Shut up, Dad." Nate spat.
"What was that, Nathaniel Lee Whitfield?"
"I said, shut up."
"You can fix your own breakfast." Jesse sneered and walked back into the kitchen.
"Well, maybe I just will!" He scoffed.
"Little sh*t."
Jesse gasped. "Did you just call your own father an asshole?"
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."
"Smart ass."
"Stupid gopher!"
"Donkey rider."
"Overly obsessed with science, nerd!"
"Rat poison."
"Ugly vegetable."
"Molded cheese."
"Old billy goat."
"Pile of cow dung!"
"Dung beetle."
"Puddle of Mudd!"
"Oh, that's a pretty good band."
"Yeah. They wrote was it?"
"Blurry, Control, and..."
"Weren't we doing something? I got a little distracted."
"Yes, we were name calling. Fat angry troll-faced koala."
"Red panda."
"Those are cute, Dad."
"Um, blobfish!"
"Hairless cat!"
"I'm going to fix myself breakfast."
"Bye, Felicia. I'm going to go wild."
"Okay rip up another pillow, it's not like I'll buy you a new one."
"You bet your ass you will."
"Shut the **** up, Nate!"
With that Nate stopped arguing with his father and sighed lying on the bed. "I'm done."
"I'm glad."
"Well, I'm glad you're glad."
"I'm glad you're glad that I'm glad."
"I'm glad that you're glad that you're- Where the hell are we going with this?"
"I don't ******* now." Jesse chuckled.
"Okay and I don't either so..."
"So what?"
"So be it."
"Ugh, fine. You know what? You're not grounded for boning Candice." Mr. Whitfield groaned.
"Really. When I was twenty-four and working at James Gordon High, which I still work at by the way, I did your mother right on my damn desk."
"I know Dad. You explained your whole sex story at Mom's funeral."
"Oh, yeah. I forgot."
"That's ok."
"You were saying?"
"Wanna have some breakfast?"
"I'm a little hungry."
"I bet you are."
"Why do you always have to embarrass me?"
"You became a man today."
"Dad, please just zzzip."
"But you-"
"You entered man-"
"I said zip it!" Nate yelled and they ate breakfast in total silence.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now