Chapter VIII

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"I forgot to turn off the water in the bathtub now it's running over. Oh ****, ****, ****, ****!" Jesse groaned in his sleep.
"Jess, Jess wake up." Nicole shook him."
"Damn it! The whole bathroom is flooded... Zzz..."
"You're dreaming, goddamn it! Wake up!" She yelled.
"What?" He yawned getting up.
"I said you were dreaming."
"Is the baby coming or something? Wha-what time is it?"
"Not yet. My contractions haven't even started yet nor has my water broken. And it's 1:00 in the morning."
"Why the hell did you wake me up at 1:00 in the morning?"
"Because this will be the last sleep we'll ever get by ourselves."
"I still don't understand why in god's name did you wake me up." He grumbled and pulled the covers over himself.
"Well, I felt something."
"You always feel something whether it's my foot or not."
"I thought it was a contraction."
"It was probably just a kick, you would know if it were a contraction."
"Yeah, you're right."
"Now, let's go back to sleep before I get grouchy."
"I'll punch you if you get grouchy." She warned and he smiled.
"Oh baby, mmm! I love you so damn much." He squeezed her.
"I know you do and I do too."
"Mmwah." Mr. Whitfield kissed her and went back to sleep for another couple of hours. Two hours passed and Nicole finally felt something way different from a kick.
"Ahhh, ooo... Jesse baby, I think it's time"
He put on his glasses and looked at her. "You sure it wasn't a kick this time?"
"I'm positive. Agh." She grimaced, getting up.
"Do you think we should go or should we wait until they are closer?" He got up with her.
"They feel pretty close."
"I think you're just saying that, love."
"No. I-I don't think so. Ooo!" Nicole panted.
He felt her belly and looked slowly up at her. "We probably need to go."
"Probably. Agh!"
"Your water broke, we're going." He added and they left to go to the hospital.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now