Chapter XIV

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Nicole grabbed her baby carrier and strapped it on. She put her son in the carrier and picked up the phone.
"If you have an idea of where my husband is, please let me know." She cried and hung up. She dialed another number and answered. "Hey Dad, this is Nicole. If you see my husband will you give me a callback?" Nicole ran down the street and he left her a message.
"Hey Nicole, I went to work today and I know that since he's still on paternity leave he's not at school. I normally get a call about how the baby is doing, but today he didn't call me. I hope he didn't leave again, there are gangs in those streets."
She ran into the dark alley and called his phone. There was no answer so she began to get extremely worried.
"Jesse, why are you not picking up your cell phone?" She looked around and finally heard a weak voice. It wasn't very loud, but it was audible enough for Nicole to hear. Nicole bolted rapidly toward the call for help and saw her husband on death's end.
"Hey, babe." He coughed.
"What on Earth happened?" She questioned him.
Jesse choked on tears. "There was this guy and-and he stole my wallet after I bought a gun. I was forced to buy it, if I wouldn't have bought it he would have blown my head off."
"Oh my God!"
"I know. Then he wanted me to kill myself and I refused, so he shot me in the side. And that's when I decided I was going to kill myself, but I remembered your words so I stopped myself from putting a bullet in my head."
"I'm glad you didn't kill yourself, baby."
"Me too. I realized what I have to live for and I became scared of dying that way."
"I missed you so much!" She began to make out with him and he bawled in pain.
"Aghh! Oh..." He groaned.
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I forgot you got-"
"It's ok, it's ok." Mr. Whitfield eased himself up. "Ah!" He fell back down and his wife helped him stand up. "You don't have to help me, you know."
"I know, but you need to see a doctor." She added and they walked off to a hospital.

Mr. Whitfield- By: Riley Rivers Where stories live. Discover now