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"I helped you commit robbery. Without me you wouldn't have pulled it off, much less gotten out alive—" Kella argued.

Mando cut in with, "I wouldn't go that far."

She pressed on as if he hadn't spoken, "—and so I should be compensated with more than just a ride to the planet of your choosing. I should get at least half the value of what I stole."

"Half?!" he scoffed. "Oh, is that all?"

She jutted out her chin. "At the least. And you're not going to dump me at whatever roadside planet you please on the way to Cardan. I've never even heard of this place you're trying to sell me on." Kella was frustrated by more than just the topic at hand. She found it maddening to argue with someone she couldn't see. Being able to read similar frustration on the other person's face would have felt better than the cold blank metal she was looking at.

Mando flexed his fingers and inhaled deeply before trying to reason with her, "Look, Alaris is a beautiful planet!" Under his breath he added, "from what I hear." She crossed her arms but he continued, "I'm not just saying that because it's on the way to Cardan and it would be convenient for me. It's perfect for you: remote without being totally uncivilized, temperate climate, a great place for a fresh start." He was beginning to sound like a used speeder salesman, even to himself. "Plus, as an added bonus, there's a colony of Wookiees. They make great neighbors."

"I don't speak Wookie," she ground out. Maybe he only wore that helmet to keep from getting slapped.

Mando threw his arms up in defeat and moaned. Kella waited until he was done with his outburst and then announced, "I've been thinking about my options, and Raydonia is my choice."

He protested, "Raydonia?! That system is too far out of the way, and I can't delay going to Cardan just because you're picky." He pointed at the child. "Look at that face. Do you want to be the reason he misses out on finding that Jedi? You can't possibly be that selfish." The little green face regarded her questioningly.

Kella wasn't going to be manipulated by cuteness. "Of course I wouldn't ask you to delay going to Cardan. I'm happy to wait while you meet up with the Jedi, and then you can take me to Raydonia afterward." She smiled reassuringly at the little one. "Don't you worry, Sweetie, we'll get you to that Jedi. Mando's just trying to use you to win an argument."

Exhausted, Mando slouched back into his seat. He didn't like the idea of bringing Kella to Cardan. Something about her was suspicious. What were the odds that someone knowledgeable about the Jedi would happen along at just the moment he finally located one? He already disliked that so many people were aware of the Jedi's location. Both Kella and Grox knew, as well as whoever Grox heard it from. His plan was to warn the Nautillan woman to relocate to a new world with the kid. In the end, Mando caved and let Kella have her way in regard to Raydonia. He couldn't very well dump her on Alaris against her will. She might retaliate by broadcasting what she knew about the child.

They touched down on the landing pad in Dacara, the largest city on Cardan. After he switched off the controls, Mando handed Kella a small pouch that jingled when she took it. "This is all I can give you," he said. "There should be enough to buy a few things at the marketplace. Afterward, you can wait on the ship until I get back." He hoped that would placate her regarding her share of the stolen artifact, and also keep her busy so she wouldn't ask to meet the Jedi.

Kella agreed without a fight. It was hard to come so close but not meet the Jedi in the flesh. Still, she knew the Mandalorian would never allow her to tag along. Kella noticed the child's reaction to Mando's use of I instead of we.  If all went according to plan, the bounty hunter would be coming back alone. The pointy ears drooped like a sad puppy. Despite his young age, she guessed the little guy picked up on a lot that transpired around him. It was difficult to read Mando beneath the armor, but she thought he seemed a bit down too. Maybe that was why he announced, "It's too late in the day to go after the Jedi now. We can bunk on the ship tonight. The kid and I will leave first thing in the morning."

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