The Highest Bidder

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Unlike some who preceded her to the auction platform, Kella didn't dance or strike a pose. Nor did she cower and wrap her arms around herself. She squared her shoulders and let her arms hang at her sides. At the beginning, she made the mistake of looking into the faces of those clamoring to own her. They looked her up and down with appraising eyes but never met her condemning glare. She kept her vision trained above their heads after that.

The bidding began slowly at first. The auctioneer increased the asking price only 500 at a time.

"18,500 now, can I get 18,500?" he called.

Kella searched for an anchor point in the distance where she could fix her eyes until this was over. Far across the auction floor was the food court. What was on the menu today? She watched a customer pay and walk away with his food. It was something on a stick. His teeth ripped meat from the skewer and a small piece fell to the floor. The man cursed and held his meal more carefully. It reminded Kella of eating at the market on Cardan. She'd felt such freedom exploring the place with Grogu. Back then Mando trusted her to look after him. She hoped if she were with them now, her actions would have regained that trust. Kella swallowed hard and looked away.

"25,000, do I hear 25,000?" Someone held up a numbered card and the bidding continued. "Looking for 28,000 now, 28,000?"

Weren't the increases supposed to be bigger at the start and get smaller as the auction progressed? Kella began to shift uncomfortably. How long did auctions usually go? She regretted not paying closer attention to the ones before hers. Kella tried to ignore the numbers. She didn't want to know the price paid for her. Eventually the pace slowed again, which she hoped was a sign of the end. It was down to just two bidders now. Kella tuned back in and couldn't believe her ears. Did the auctioneer really just say 70,000? That was twice what she'd owed Mr. Paravyn! Did slaves always sell for so much? She scanned the crowd looking for the two who were still in the running.

"75,000, now. Who'll give me 75,000?" sang the excited auctioneer. There were snorts and other scoffing sounds from the spectators. Some of the former bidders walked away in search of more reasonable pricing.

Her eyes lighted on an average-looking human man. He was a bit scruffy and didn't have the same self-important posture as most. Shaggy brown hair brushed across his forehead. He subtly raised the numbered card in his hand. Some of the crowd gasped in surprise. Apparently these amounts were higher than usual.

The announcer happily acknowledged the offer, "75,000 from the man near the back. Do I hear 80?"

Kella considered the bidder more closely. His clothes were a bit disheveled, and he looked in need of a shave and a good night's sleep. Maybe some sort of farmer here to purchase field labourers? Probably bidding for her on a whim. The fool would have a bad case of buyer's remorse if he won this auction. The way he dipped his head after placing the bid made it seem like he hated the attention. Others placing bids were much more showy. His posture was uncomfortable but determined.

Suddenly, his eyes met hers. They were a warm brown colour, intense but not unkind. She couldn't look away. Besides the strangeness of making eye contact with a slave, the way he looked at her would have been shocking under any circumstances. It was like he saw right into her soul. She felt a connection with the man. He was familiar, but she was sure they'd never met. His eyes seemed to be promising something... reassuring her that everything would be alright. That soon his bid would be the highest and she could leave with him and never look back. Kella blinked and opened her mouth in surprise. The man quickly looked away.

My imagination must be getting the better of me.

"I have 75,000 bid, do I hear 78? 75,000, who'll give me 76?" said the announcer. "75,000, going once... Going twice—"

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