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"Couldn't we have picked a different cargo vessel to stow away on? Did it have to be refrigerated?" Grox complained.

Kella reminded her, "No, it had to be this one. Cold deliveries go through the loading dock with the least security. I told you to layer up." She tugged her jacket off and smirked. "Besides, it looked like you and Jones kept each other warm." The smuggler and her crewman had gotten awfully cozy huddled together during the four hour journey. It was sweet really, so Kella felt a tiny bit bad for throwing it in Grox's face.

Grox chose to ignore the comment and asked, "What were you and Mando talking about during the trip? I couldn't hear anything over the sound of my teeth chattering."

"We were just going over the building layout and security protocols again," said Kella. "He wants to be as prepared as possible." She didn't mention it now, but they'd also discussed whether Kella should be armed during the mission. She didn't like the idea of going in with nothing to defend herself. Mando countered that if the plan worked, they'd be out without a shot fired. When she argued that the best laid plans could go awry, he told her to stay behind him if they took fire. According to Mando, Kella wasn't experienced enough to handle a blaster, but inside she knew it was that he couldn't fully trust her.

Grox pursed her lips. "He'd never admit it, but he loves that child like his own. There's no other explanation for him going to these lengths to get him back. He can talk about the Mandalorian code of honor all he wants, but I think we all know it's just a smokescreen."

Kella looked skeptical. "Not that I disagree, because I don't, but didn't you say something similar about your motivations when you explained why you joined this operation?"

Grox chuckled. "Yeah, fair point." She presented herself to Kella for inspection. "How do I look?" The sleeves of Kella's blue staff uniform were a little short on Grox, but Kella thought the fit was passable. She yanked at a few loose strands of Grox's hair that had fallen loose and pinned them back into the twist she'd styled. Then she stood back and did a final check. The uniform was scuffed on the knees, but all the mud from Cardan was cleaned off.

"You'll do, I think," she said. "How about me?" Kella pulled up the hood of her newly purchased white and gold cloak to obscure her face.

Grox shrugged. "Your face is still visible when you hold your head up, so if we pass anyone you know, you'd better look away."

Kella nodded and the two went to check on Jones and Mando. Jones' eyes were still filled with misery from shaving off his Mohawk, but a smooth head would draw much less attention. He sported a suit jacket over his usual tactical gear, which made his muscular midsection even bulkier. His duffel of weapons was on an antigrav luggage cart, right on top of the trunk that Mando was climbing into.

"Sorry, Mando," said Kella. "There was no way you could get in unnoticed as a guest, and it's common for these wealthy types to bring a lot of luggage."

Grox snickered, "I still can't believe we're sneaking you through security in a suitcase!"

Mando grumbled, "It won't be the first time." Then he asked Kella, "You're confident we'll be able to get to where the prisoners are kept without raising suspicion?"

"Pretty close," Kella said. "Mr. Paravyn became so powerful by maintaining a network of powerful friends. There are frequent parties, and houseguests are a nearly constant thing. Jones and I should pass as wealthy VIPs. Since there isn't a brig here, I think the prisoners will be in one of the guest rooms, probably in the most secluded wing. There will be armed guards and no unauthorized access to that section. That's where we'll have no choice but to use force. If we take them by surprise, we might make it before reinforcements arrive. Once we have the kid, we need to get out fast because the whole place will be on us within seconds." None of them were thrilled with that prospect, but no one had a better plan.

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