~Waking up next to him~

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You woke up to the cold hitting your skin. Opening your eyes you see Tendou rolled up like a burrito next to you his calm sleeping face turned towards you. 

"This asshole..." you muttered under your breath tugging on the blanket wrapped around him trying to grab a little bit of it .  His deep red orbs suddenly opened looking at you confused...

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry kitten!" He suddenly unwraps the blanket from his body and pulls you in then wrapping the blanket around the both of you. You feel his hands snake around your waist pulling you closer to him. (A/n: you're the little spoon.)  

Only your faces were peeking out of the blanket looking out of the window as you feel his calm breathing on your ear. 

"Did you like last night?" he says as you feel him slowly stroking your sides. You feel your cheeks heat up and you stayed quiet.

"Aw come on now i know you can make more noise than that y/n" He said while you feel him smirk against your skin. 

" Shut up" You muttered quietly. 


"I said shut up" You now said a bit louder so that he can hear you. 

"Ooh getting bold huh?"


"That's what I thought" he says flipping you around to face him. 

"I'm sorry... I don't want you to think that I'm a player. I just wanted to..." He started trailing off.

"Wanted to what?" You ask curious

"Never mind... Its gonna sound too cheesy" He says sounding flustered.

"No tell me!" You say lightly hitting his chest.

"I just wanted to do it with you. Because I've been having a crush on you for the longest time. You were never mean to me..." he says with a slight frown on his face. 

" haha Tendou that's because I never talked to you... but I liked you too for the longest time..."

"Aww really... wait liked?!" 

"N-no I-I mean liked and still like. STOP BEING STUPID you know what I mean."

"I'm just kidding... wait does that mean that you had lewd thoughts about me all the time that you have liked me?" He says a smirk once again plastering on his face.

" ...No" You say as your face began to heat up. 

"...No?... are you sure?" Tendou says with the same tone.

"....No" You say getting ready to explode. 

He looks at you making you look up at him. As you two look at each other you both burst out laughing.  After about 5 minutes you both started calming down as he says.

"To be honest... I did too." He says with now a soft smile. 

"And you made my dream come true last night..." He continued. 

"You made my dream come true last night too..." you say supporting his comment.

"Alright can we please go and eat now." You say coming back from the dreamy state.

"No lets cuddle some more!" He says squeezing you closer to him. 

"Tendou you're suffocating me!" You say trying to pry yourself off of him. 

"Nooo" he says keeping his tight grip. 

"Wait! What if we just bring snacks up here and still lay in bed and cuddle!?" Tendou says excitedly awaiting for your answer. 

"That's an option" You say.

"That's our only option." Tendou says now all of his features being back to the tired state. 

"Okay LETS GO GET DEM SHNAKS" you say excitedly throwing the blanket off the both of you. You got up realizing that you were only standing in your panties looking at Tendou who was devouring you with his eyes.

"What are you staring at?! Give me some clothes!" You say feeling your cheeks heat up.

"Damn I don't need to get snacks if I have the whole 5 course meal in here..." He says getting up earning a giggle from you.

"Baby if you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple." You say giving off the same pick up line vibes. 

"Excuse me do you work at little Caesar's cuz you're hot and I'm ready." He says throwing a shirt and sweat pants at you. 

"You must be peanut butter because you're making my legs feel like jelly." you return. 

"Wait that actually works!" He says laughing. 

"Okay okay Do you like Pizza Hut? Cause I want to stuff your crust." He says. 

"I know I'm not on your grocery list but I'm checking you out" You say as you were putting on the clothes.

"Wait wait I got a really good one. Are you spaghetti cause I want you to meat my balls."

"PFFFFFFT WHAT THE FAWK" You say collapsing on the floor  making a loud thud laughing your ass off. 

"WAIT BABE ARE YOU OKAY " He says running to you only to collapse next to you and laugh with you. 

"I already MET THEM!" You say making him laugh even louder.

Your laughs were echoing throughout the whole room. Once you both calmed down he got up helping you up as you both started going down the stairs him continuing the pick up line battle. 

"Baby, you got more legs than a bucket of KFC!" 

"Boy if you were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber" 

Giggling and laughing filled the whole house. 

"I love him"

"I love her" They both think in their heads too afraid to say it out loud to each other. 

"So what movie are we gonna be watching?" You ask.

"I don't care babe your choice." He says flashing you a soft smile.

"OOoH what about The  Ring?" You ask.

"YES YES YES YES!!!!Finally someone who gets me!!!"

You both giggle as you return to the room with bags of chips and cookies and drinks laying down cuddling with each other watching the scary movie.

This Is the happiest day of my life you both think to yourselves.

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