Lessons In Vengeance

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A/N: This is just a little plot bunny my mind whipped up, and I haven't really updated this "story" in awhile. So I figured I might as well add it. I don't care that this is before the previous chapter. Unless I say otherwise in an author's note, these chapters have no relation to each other at all!

Merlin's thoughts: Italics

Arthur's thoughts: Bold

Merlin POV

*In Arthur's chambers*

I can't even begin to describe how scared I am. I just can't lose Arthur. Not after everything we've been through, everything we've worked so hard to achieve. I cannot fail him, I cannot fail in my destiny. And so it is that I watch with bated breath, waiting for Gaius to deliver the ultimate verdict. I don't even want to imagine what Gwen will do once she's un-enchanted. She'll be drowned in guilt, just like me I suppose. Gaius turned back to me from his position over Arthur, his expression did not bode well. It was an expression he often wore when he could not save a patient, except this time his own sadness was visible. I could already feel the tears running down my cheeks, recalling one of Arthur's many ironic statements. "No man is worth your tears."  I'd never hear him calling me an idiot ever again. Never hear him say how much of a useless servant I was. Never again would I fight at his side in battle, secretly shielding him from harm. But just when I had been about to except the inevitable and collapse in defeat, the very subject of the situation reassured me. Arthur frowned and rolled over with a muttering of "Gaius." Gaius looked back to me in disbelief, clearly as shocked and relieved as I was. "Merlin." I laughed in complete euphoria, my life was not over it would seem. Yes, as strange as it is, I could not live my life if Arthur were not in it. I was crushed in a hug by my father figure, "Well done Merlin. Well done!" I just laughed along with the court physician, overcome by intense relief. He gestured towards the windows, and reminded me of a small fact I'd forgotten. "You'd better get back to the cells before you're missed." I shakily stuttered out a response. "But there are guards on every floor, every stairwell. How am I gonna get back down there?" I couldn't go back the way I'd come. I had scaled two castle walls in my life, and may I just say; Never again! "Well the same way as you came up, obviously." I slumped my shoulders in despair. "Obviously." Gaius shooed me off, and proceeded to give Arthur a more thorough examination. I snuck back out the window, happy in the knowledge that Arthur was safe from harm. Well for now at least.


I began to see just how difficult it was for assassins and what not to sneak into the cells. I had made it back into castle, but I was spotted by two guards. They yelled at me to stop, so being me I did the opposite. I ran. I could hear them trying (and failing I might add) to keep up with me. Up ahead I could see Gwaine, Leon, Percival, and Mordred discussing the "intruder". I stopped in the middle of the corridor, unsure of what to do. There were no alcoves, no side doors... Wait!  There was one, but it was barely four feet from where the knights were. I had a sneaking suspicion that the guards had recognized me, there had been torchlight when I was discovered. Luckily there were no torches in the dim hallway, except for the one Mordred wielded. But they were too far away, and I was so deeply in the shadows that I could barely be seen, let alone identified. I was so busy in my own observations that I had forgotten about the guards on my tail. I was reminded of their presence by a sharp whistling just by my ear. An arrow imbedded itself on the far wall, barely missing Percival. I turned abruptly, only to be halted by a sharp, blinding pain in my calf. I gave a small cry of pain, drawing the attention of the knights. I looked down to see an arrow sticking out of my right leg. Great. Just my luck. I save Arthur's life, only to be shot by a bloody guard. I was surprised by how much it hurt, every time my muscles twitched, agony shot up my leg. I looked to see all of the knights slowly approaching, all of them hesitant, a slight trace of recognition dawning their features....

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