Chapter 9 A plan

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He told me a lot of things about his father. How awful, I mean... how could he be such a... a... I don't even have a word for that. I calm myself down because I saw that Nathan needs somebody to listen to him, but inside, I was still full of anger. Then he turns our conversation to a positive side, he was talking about his sister. She seems like a nice person. At least somebody in his family. Then he asked about me, we were talking about photography and other stuff. He listened to every word that came out of my mouth and honestly... I don't know if he's listening to me or staring at my lips, maybe both... Then I mention Warren and I see how his expression on his face change. I know he doesn't like him, but he has to get used to it that he's one of my friends. A little stalky but still a good friend.


I have to tell her. The more I listen to her, the more I like her. And when she listened to me... I know that she was angry inside but didn't show up anything, just listening to me and pay attention to me. It's true... I'm falling for her and no one is going to change my mind... Not even my fucking father. I continue to listen to her sweet voice that stroke my cheek with every word she spoke. I couldn't take my eyes off her and especially from her lips. How soft and beautiful they look. OMG Nathan! Control yourself! I smile like a dork until she mentioned Gayrams name. My smile disappeared but not because I'm mad that he's a friend of hers... I'm just scared that she feels something to him. Not like a friend but more.

Nathan: "So ... you and Gayram are like..."

Max: "Huh? If you call him like that... eh... no way... we're just friends." My inner voice cheered. "Why do you even ask?"

Nathan: "Just wanna know if I could still call him Gayram." I laughed... she frowned and turned offended. "Sorry, I didn't mean to you get mad."

Max: "Just stop calling him like that." She growled.

Well good job Nathan... I said to myself. I know she's not seriously upset but she looks cute when she's trying to. We got back to our conversation and then we heard something from outside. We went to take a look from the window. Jefferson left. Luckily he didn't see us because the lights were off in Max's room... just in case.

Nathan: "Wait! Is that?" I try to look at the thing he has in hand. "That asshole took my phone!"

Max: "How many phones do you have since I took one when I was in your room and Jefferson has the other one?" I ignored her question and looked at the phone in my pocket. "Well... I guess more than two."

I looked at the messages he left me.

J: I'll take care of that Max and that punk slut will show up at the junkyard.

J: Wait for me in the Dark room and prepare everything before I'll bring Max.

I show the text to Max. She startled a little and then looked at her phone.


I looked at my phone and see a few messages from Chloe.

Ch: Max! I know I suck again but please answer me!

Ch: Max! At least text me you're alright! I'm going to the junkyard... Nathan text me that he's about to rid of Rachel.

Ch: Shit I forgot you're with him now!

Ch: Prescott! If you read this and you did something to Max I will kill you!

I call her but she didn't pick it up... Fuck! I write a message.

M: Chloe I'm okay... That message isn't from Nathan it's from Jeffersdon'tDon't go to the junkyard!

Max: "Nathan we have to do something..."

Nathan: "Uhh... I don't know... Do you have any plan?"

Max: "Okay... so we know that Jefferson is keeping Victoria somewhere plus he's about to go to the junkyard..." I sigh. "I have an idea but I don't think you'll like it." He stared at me and think what I mean by that. He looks so deep in thoughts and his eyes were full of question marks. But then a spark appeared like he finally gets it. His eyes turn darker as he frowned at me.

Nathan: "No fucking way! I'm not going to bring you to that asshole!"

Max: "Nathan! It's our only chance to stop him from going to the junkyard and save Victoria!" I know I can count on my rewind power but since Nathan didn't know about them it makes him worry about me.

Nathan: "NO!" He said with crossed arms.

Max: "What? Do you have a better plan? Then go on." He was silent. "Right... That's what I thought."

I quickly grab his phone and texted Jefferson.

N: No need that anymore... I found her... She's with me now.

Max: "Okay Nathan... Now it's your choice. You can go with me or stay and do nothing like before." I stared at him with an expression on my face that I wouldn't change my mind even if he's going to try.

Nathan: "Ugh... Fine..." He said and frowned but despite the frown, I could see that he's worried about me.

Max: "Thanks, Nathan... I will be okay." I said and touched his shoulder.

Nathan: "Are you sure you want to risk that?"

Max: "I'm not scared of that bastard anymore! If we want to stop him then we have to risk before it will be too late." Then I saw how Nathan pulled out a gun from his pocket. I'm not really surprised... but on the other side, I'm glad.

Nathan: "I swear if he'll try something, even single one suggestion I will..." I know what he's trying to say. But he fell silent. "Umm Max? Speaking of... you said... well in Jefferson class that you have enough experience with death."

I sigh and sat on the couch. I want to tell him everything but he didn't know about my rewind power... Is he going to even believe me?

Nathan: "I-I'm so sorry... I don't want to---"

Max: "No... It's okay." I sigh, when I remember all these moments when Chloe almost die. Were staring at each other but then Nathan's phone starts to ring.

Nathan: "It's him... "I nodded that he had to pick it up.


After I left Chloe, I started to search around for Max. I was on the main campus... the last place I saw her and where she disappeared. I was about to check the dormitories but a dark shadow of a person shows up. I hid since I don't know who it was. Maybe Nathan? I took a close look and I recognize a teacher. Jefferson? I think his name was? He never taught me but Max mentioned him sometimes. Should I ask him if he saw Max around? But then I change my mind... He's calling someone.

J: Prescott! What do you mean she's with you peace of shit! Where!

Fine... bring her along. Maybe you're not that useless after all.

But if you fuck up anything I will...

Yes... And move your ass!

He finished the call and sighed

Jefferson: "After hell bring her I have to get rid of him. Nathan already knows too much."

He said with a creepy voice and went away.

My mind was about to blow up. Just what the fuck?! First Nathan and now Jefferson had something to do with this shit of Prescott family? And... Oh no... I realize that he's talking about Max before.

And what they wanted from Max? I should follow him since they wanted to meet somewhere... The chance I find Max before Nathan is going to bring her to Jefferson is lower than my... Shit stop thinking and follow him before he'll disappear dumbass! I said to myself and follow him... It looks like he's going to the parking lot. There's no time to waste...

Please... Just don't tell me you'll fucked up something Warren... Psst... Spoiler :)

Btw thanks for the support, I really appreciated :3 See ya in the next chapter ;)

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