The surprise

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( Tooth's pov) ( bet you weren't expecting that one)
At first I liked elsa being here cause I was the only girl here but then I realised that now she is stealing my jack away from me. I hate the fact that they are going out together. I should be with Jack not her. But I can promise you one thing I will have Jack and get rid on elsa, but first I have to meet up with two old friends.

After I packed my bag and left a Note on my bed which said "I had to leave to collect some more teeth from the children" I was off to meet my old friends in the forest tonight at mid night.

It was 12:01 and no one was here yet. Where are they. As I was about too leave I heard a rusting in the bush other there in the corner, then out come two tall mans.

( A/N I will do T for tooth and the first letters of the other names ok while they are talking)

T-ah so you's finally made it
P- indeed we did, so why do you need help from us out of all people
H- yes why is that Tooth
T- because I want to join the dark side and get rid of Elsa cause she is stealing my jack away from me.
P- ok we will help you but first of all you have to drink this syrup to turn you dark ok
T- will it help me too get rid of elsa and make Jack mine
H- yes indeed it will
T- shut up Hans I wasn't talking to you
P- do you want us to help you or not
T- yes and sorry Hans
H- ok let's do this

( tooths pov)
I can't believe I'm doing this but I have to so I can my jack all to myself. When the needle first hit my skin it burnt like hell, I screamed and kicked in pain but still let the rest of the liquid go in. I looked at myself and saw all of my feathers slowly falling off of my body. I screamed again and looked at pitch and Hans and said " what the hell did you do to me" pitch replied with " we are making you look different" . I screamed again and saw my wings fall to the ground. I was starting to regret what I did and then blackness was surrounding me then I passed out.

(Pitches pov)
Hans and I took tooth back to my lair of darkness. We placed tooth in one of guest rooms and waited till she woke up. A couple of minutes later she woke up. I said " hello sweetie how are you feeling now" and tooth said " I'm feeling a lot better daddy"

Hahahaha cliffhanger
I'm soooo sorry I haven't been updating lately I have this horrible disease called writers block, but I'm slowly recovering from it now. I really hope you like this chapter and the plot twist. Please comment and vote. And the first two people to comment that they want to be in this story will be added in the next one or two chapters.

Cya my little poptarts

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