|| A Misunderstanding ||

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I can't believe he started acting like that. He's been acting really differently


"Not now, Dazai. Save it after class." He hushed

I turned back to face the board to write some notes

"Alright, 3 more subjects to go and it's almost time. What do you think of this?"

"Okay, I guess.." He said flatly

"Oh... Alright then.."

He stood up briskly and started to walk away

"Wait Chuuya! Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to the washroom. I'll be right back.."

"Oh okay... If you say so"

A few minutes have passed and he still hasn't returned...

"I think I should go check on him for a second. He might be in trouble or something.."

I stood up and left all my belongings behind

"Where are you going, Dazai?" Asked Kenji

"Just uh... Heading to the washroom. Wanna come?" I asked

"Oh no thank you! I'm good. And also, make sure to get back in 20 minutes. We don't want Ms. Yosano to get mad at us, right?"

"Y-yeah.. I'll just be real quick! See ya Kenji!"

"Okay, be careful!"

After 3 minutes of running, I spotted a guy that wore the same clothes as Chuuya, but it wasn't him.

I searched and searched for the male's bathroom, and finally, here it is.

I saw him just washing his hands and drying them off

"Why are you here, shitty bastard?" He said with complete irritation

"Oh, nothing jus-"

"Leave. Before I'll kick you out of here.." He said with a very threatening voice

Those cold words shattered my heart, and gave in the urge to leave.

- Later -

It's finally dismissal time. And again, I spotted him on the rooftop from where we first met

"There you are... I've been looking everywhere for you!" I said happily, sighing in relief

"Look, Chuuya I-"

"Will you stop?! You've been following me all day now, Dazai! And it's getting so annoying! Why won't you leave me alone just this once?!"

 - Chuuya POV -

The way I was shouting, acting, and looking at Dazai makes my heart break... a lot... But.. This is the only way I could keep myself away from him... I... I just... Don't know anymore...

- Dazai POV -

I placed my hand down and took a deep breath

"Well, why won't you let me finish?!" You didn't even give me a chance to speak!" I shouted

"It's because I don't care about what you're trying to say! And I don't even to give a fuck about everything you wanted to say!" He shouted back

"Just... What happened to you..? You... You never used to act like this... " I mumbled, tears now started streaming down my face "I was just trying to apologize... And now you just don't care..?"

He froze out and began to retort

"Y-you don't understand! I.. I have my reasons, Dazai! And it's only for my sake!"

"Then tell me! I want to know everything! You've been acting really differently nowadays and I know you're hiding something from me! I want to know the truth!"

He then remained silent

"So you won't tell me then..? Okay, fine by me! You said you don't give a fuck anyway so why should I?" I wiped my tears off my eyes "You don't even know how much I was worried about you! You don't even know how guilty I was while you were gone! And now all of a sudden I was only trying to apologize and what I get is this?!"

The second shot of silence occurred between us

"..I can't believe I liked a person like you! I mean... Why did I even like you in the first place.." I panted and took another deep breath

"Y-you... Liked me...?" He said, as his voice was trailing off word by word

"But you know what? I don't really care anymore! And whatever you want to say now, just save it! Besides, you've already mentioned that you don't like me since the day I asked you to be my friend."

His eyes widened and tried to say a word

"Dazai... It's... It's not like that.. I-"

"Just... Talk to me when you're ready to face me again, and if you're also ready... to tell the truth.."

"..Well I-"

"See ya."

This is not what I expect it to be. I mean, why does he have to act like that all of a sudden?

Whatever the reason is,, I have to know..


End of chapter



Well, that was an intense drama out there--- okay so it's currently 9:41 pm at my place and I'll think of a way to make them together again so-- okay bai-

Edited: 10:32 pm (Nov. 25, 2020)

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