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Hunter woke up to the smell of food, she got up and went to the kitchen to see who was cooking breakfast. Sam stood there, smiling to himself while cooking some eggs. They said goodmorning to each other, while Hunter was getting a cup of her morning coffee. She sat down , getting a plate of eggs and some bacon.

,,So about the case..."

Sam was telling her everything she needed to know, but she didn't listen to him. She was busy eating her bacon.

,,...And that wasn't the only dead body..."

Hunter started listening as soon as he mentioned dead bodies. They then agreed on waiting for Meira and Dean to get up.

After her breakfast, Hunter went back to her room to pack her things. It was kinda funny to her how nothing changed.

Meira and Dean got up exacly five minutes after Hunter went back to her room. They met in the kitchen and ate some breakfast. Meira went to pack her things as well and when she was done, she knocked on Hunter's doors.

,,You got your things?" Meira asked. ,,It's time to kick some supernatural butts."

They got into the car, both girls were sitting in the back. Hunter put her head on Meira's shoulder, feeling tired from last night. Meira was listening to the rain dropping on the car. It was really rainy that day.

When Hunter woke up, they were still on the way. She had a headache as usual, but Meira already expected it.

,,Here, I took these." Meira said, giving Hunter pills and bottle of water. ,,You'll never stop drinking, will you Hunter?"

,,Oh shut up." she rolled her eyes and took the pills. ,,Thanks Meira."

As soon as Dean saw that Hunter is awake, he turned on the music. Both girls looked at each other. Dean started singing as soon as the first song came up and Hunter joined him. Meira and Sam just rolled their eyes on them.

They stopped at some random motel, got their room and changed into FBI clothes. They drove to the crime scene. Sam and Meira asked all the questions, being the 'good' cops, meanwhile Hunter and Dean were the 'bad' cops.

It was actually easy to get the info they needed. After that, they split up. Sam and Meira went to the library to get better wifi then the one at the motel and Dean with Hunter went into the morgue.

,,I warn you." doctor said. ,,The look on the body is not pretty, sure you can handle it?"

Hunter looked him dead in the eyes. ,,I saw more dead bodies then you ever will, so stop talking and show it to us."

Doctor looked at her with questioning face, but didn't day anything anymore. He took off the cover and Hunter with Dean saw the body. It was really bad, half was gone. Hunter felt sick but she doesn't show it on herself. Dean had to look away.

Meira was reading some really old book, meanwhile Sam was surfing on the internet, trying to find anything similar to their case.

,,So, what about this?" Meira whispered and showed him the page in the book.

,,Werewolf?" Sam raised his eyebrow.

,,For god's sake, Sam." she rolled her eyes. ,,Just read it."

After Sam read the page, he called Dean, thinking it could really be a werewolf.

Hunter didn't think it was a werewolf. The guy's heart was missing, yes, but he was besically eaten. Werewolf would eat just his heart. She noticed, he didn't have eyes. She was confused. This thing was some weird, eyes, heart eating shit and they needed to kill it as fast as possible.

The whole ride back to the motel, Hunter was thinking about what it could be. Other then that, it was quiet ride this time.

They changed back, Meira took Hunter father's journal and sat on the bed. Hunter sat on the ground with her laptop, going trough some webs to find something they could use. Dean went to get some food and Sam took other book, but he fell asleep while reading it.

Meira couldn't concentrate on the journal anymore so she took a break. She looked at Sam and blushed, thinking that he looks like cute puppy while sleeping. She hoped, Hunter didn't notice anything.


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