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Hunter was trying her best not to cry while she was driving. She felt like she sobered up when Dean was silent, realising what she actually said. It was fucking hard for her. She thought about letting Meira drive, which never happened, that's how hard that was.

She felt weird driving her own car again after such a long time and without Dean's loud music and Sam's laugh. She had to stop at the first gas station she saw. Hunter got out of the car and finally let the tears fall. She opened the trunk and took out something she didn't use for a long time. 

Meira was sitting in the car looking from the window, meawhile Hunter was smoking her cigarette. She completely forgot how hard it was to quit and after she was done with her stress reliever, she went inside to pay for the gas and got some food for both of them. 

After a few minutes Hunter noticed Meria being so quiet. She wanted to ask if she was okey, but she didn't, scared of what Meira would answer. 

All Meira could think of at the moment was Sam. Did he even care about her leaving? And if he did, why didn't he said anything? Why didn't he stop her? Was it because he was drunk or simply because he didn't care? She whiped her tears with sleeve of the flannel she had oh her. It was one of Sam's that she kept. She had to take it of and when Hunter saw her, throwing it on the back seat, she figured that something between them happened. 

,,So." Meira said, trie to sound okey. ,,There's a motel nearby. We can sleep there and then we could go to Ellen's bar, I think we could stay there for a while."

,,Okey, good idea." Hunter nodded. ,,They will be happy to see us."

Soon they were at the motel. Hunter sent Meira to get a room meanwhile she got some stuff for tonight. Whey they got into the room, she remembered that they were there once already with the brothers, something about a ghost case. 

,,Will you tell me what happened after I left?" Hunter asked.

,,Um, nothing." Meira said. ,,I just went to say goodbye."

,,C'mon Meira." Hunter sat on the bed. ,,Why would you throw Sam's flannel to back seats then, huh?"

,,Okey." she sat next to her. ,,Like I said, I went to say goodbye. Dean wanted me to conince you to stay, but Sam. He didn't even say goodbye, he didn't try to  convince me to stay, he said nothing."

Hunter's rage for Sam grew even more after what Meira told her. She wanted to get some drinks after that and maybe play some pool, so they have money.  ,,I'm gonna get some drinks, you comming?" 

Even though Meira promised herself, that she'll never drink with Hunter again, she couldn't stay in the room all alone. ,,Yeah, I'm comming." 

The bar was pretty close to their motel, not even 5 minutes walk. They sat down to some random table and ordered their drinks. Meira thought it will take her mind away, but no, not at all.

Meira was looking around, she decided to play some pool.,,I'm gonna win us some money." she took her drink and went to some random guy who was already playing.

She went to him, he was there with some of his frineds, kinda young.

,,Hey." Meira said. 

,,Hello there." he said. ,,Wanna play?" 

,,That's why I'm here." she crossed her arms, still holding her drink. ,,You think you can beat me?" 

,,Sweethart, I can beat anyone.'' he laughed. ,,How much do you bet?"

,,Hundred dolars." she said, even though they didn't even had that many. 

,,Wow, okey." he said. ,,Let's play."

She talked to him little bit, while playing, he seemed nice to her and he was actually funny. He was really good in pool, but Meira was thought by the best player ever. 

Hunter was watching her, kinda impressed with her pool skills. But she also watched the guy she was playing with her. He was flirting with Meira little bit and Hunter though that there's something weird about him. Not because he flirted with him, but she didn't have good feeling about him. Not at all.


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