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ghostbur ran his greyscale, slim fingers haphazardly across the fences bordering the market from the presidential podium as he admired the country in the evening sky. it was cold, well he felt cold a lot of the time actually. he had been lonely. everyone had been busy. too busy to even see or acknowledge him. the only person that bothered to talk to him was this one boy he had already forgotten the name of. ghostbur was awfully terrible with names but he figured the more he talked and interacted with people the more easier they will be to remember. he still was unsure about everything though, no new memories had resurfaced despite being here for a day or two now.

he hated seeing the people he had forgotten look at him with such terrified eyes. they always seemed to not believe he was really there and often walked away from him. some didnt even know he was there because they didn't want to see him. thats the downside with being a ghost. if someone doesn't want to see him and truly thinks he is better off dead then they are unable to see him. he couldn't grasp what could have caused them to act like this around him. he had presumed that he was a good guy when he was alive. however they always seemed to be looking for a spark of madness or mania in his eyes but to no avail the dead man's eyes were always empty. if not empty, filled with fear and confusion.

ghostbur sat on top of a barrel that had been left out by a market stall. he looked up at the stars in the sky. the jet black midnight sky was filled with the prettiest of constellations. he thought it was a shame no one admired the beauty of nature. it always fascinated him how interesting and pretty the world was. he liked observing his surroundings, it usually got his mind off of the pain he felt whenever he stared off into the abyss of the crater below.

lost in his own world, he failed to notice the green eyed boy who sat next to him. he was swinging his feet back and forth as he smiled to himself. his familiar brown locks were messy as usual and he was wearing his presidential suit. the boy had warmed up to ghostbur, becoming less tense around him and accepting the ghost's absentmindedness.

"hey ghostbur!" the boy beamed causing ghostbur to jump slightly as he didn't realise someone would even be awake and outside at this time.

ghostbur squinted his eyes as his brain scattered to figure out the brown haired individuals name. his friendly and comforting voice was certainly recognisable but it took the dead man a while to figure out who exactly was speaking to him. he knew he had spoke to him before but he just didn't remember him. one thing ghostbur did know was that he liked the fact the boy waited for the ghost to reply, letting his mind grasp at any memory of the boy he could salvage.

soon enough, it clicked in ghostburs mind. he clapped his hands together as he realised and remembered the boys name. "ah! tubbo! hey tubbo! what are you doing out here? its quite late." he smiled kindly at tubbo, feeling slightly bad for taking so long to remember him.

"i was just finishing up some things and was going to head to bed but i saw you out here and figured you could do with some company! have you remembered anything new?" tubbo asked as he looked at the crescent moon illuminating the sky.

ghostbur enjoyed tubbos company. he was glad at least one person could tolerate talking to him. the ghost believed he must be annoying to be around as he couldn't remember much and sometimes blacked out randomly during conversations, completely forgetting what had taken place, or sometimes he suddenly yelped when he remembered anything painful. tubbo was the only person, out of who he had seen so far, that took the time to talk and get to know him properly and he appreciated that a lot.

"nothing new yet...." ghostbur paused for a moment. "how is everyone? none of them have really spoken to me yet, you can only see ghosts if you want to acknowledge them." ghostbur frowned slightly wondering why the only person he had properly met yet was tubbo.

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