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early chapter because your new boyfriend came out yesterday and AHHHHH ITS SOGOOD ITS PERFECT IVE HAD IT ON REPEATT also mcc is today !! pogg

ghostbur's favourite thing to do was stroll around lmanberg as the stars glistened in the dark midnight sky. all the streetlights were lit and the only sound that could be heard was his own footsteps and the waving of the trees in the cold evening breeze.

he had become lost in his own little world. he was not even aware of his surroundings, he was just in awe at the pretty constellations he could spot. it was so peaceful. no one was outside, everyone was sleeping in their homes. the ghost didn't like to interfere with anyone's business and preferred to keep to himself so his night walks were the best part of his day. plus it kept him from having to go through the immense pain of remembering his past.

the ghost jumped in surprise as he heard a bird squawk loudly. he let out sigh of relief that it wasn't something dangerous. he looked around at where he was, not really recognising it but he could see the lights coming from lmanberg in the distance. he locked his eyes onto this tree where he could see a mysterious figure sitting down. they were leaning against the tree and looking in the direction of lmanberg.

ghostbur pondered if it was a smart idea to go up to the person. it was quite odd for someone to be ominously sitting in the dark, looking onto the country not too far from here. what if the person was planning to attack the country? maybe this could make everyone like him if he warns them? it would prove he has changed and everyone will like him again right? its not like the man could attack him, he was a ghost after all he cant die twice.

ghostbur confidently went up to the figure, prepared for the absolute worst to happen. as he came closer he could see more of the persons features. they had long pink hair that was styled into a rough, sloppily done braid. they had a sword in a scabbard lying beside them, which caught the ghost off guard, a sort of pig mask next to it. they seemed to have a crown on their head and a sort of royal gown. the more closer ghostbur went up to them the person seemed more familiar, but it was too hard to see clearly in the dark.

"hello?.." ghostbur said timidly, his confidence had ceased as soon as soon as he had saw the sword next to the person. the person quickly snapped their head towards the ghost and their eyes widened. their hand quickly rushed to grab their sword out of habit, but then they froze as they scanned ghostburs face.

"wilbur!? didnt you die?! how are you here...?" the person spoke in disbelief. ghostbur assumed most people had been told about his presence so it was quite odd of him not to know. he knew from niki that tubbo had been going around telling people about how he met the ghost. maybe this man wasn't a citizen of lmanberg? ghostbur tried to piece together anything he could but as per usual his brain was failing him.

"i did die..im back as a ghost, i-i dont really know why though..who are you?..my memory is pretty bad i dont remember anything that happened..." the ghost had become better at explaining to people why he was even here in the first place even though he didn't know himself. the person seemed to think for a minute before replying.

"oh...i was just about to visit your grave. i'm technoblade, your brother." techno spoke. the ghost noticed his voice sounded familiar. it was monotone and dull but it was recognisable. it was extremely easy to distinguish from other people's voices.

the ghost sat down next to technoblade. he didn't remember him but he felt a sort of connection to him, similar to the one he felt around tommy. it was probably because they were brothers. he looked to lmanberg in the distance and responded slowly as usual. "i dont think they made me a grave, for that matter i dont think they had a funeral for me either...i remember wandering around and seeing a grave for this man i didn't recognise, but not one for me.." the ghost frowned.

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