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btw i just want to say i think i might change how this story is ! its still gonna mostly be in ghostburs pov but ill also have some other povs as i've been really inspired by the recent streams and tommys exile arc ! and also im trying my best to upload regularly for u all !! tysm for 400+ reads ! anyway onto the story

the sun was out and beating down onto the country of lmanberg. ghostbur was walking along the docks. he figured he should start exploring the area more as it could help with his memory. he watched in awe as the waves crashed up against the small beach below. it was a beautiful sight. it was calming for the ghost. he admired the seagulls flying in the sky above the harbour. everything about lmanberg just seemed so familiar but foreign at the same time.

ghostbur spotted someone sitting on the edge of the wooden pier. the person was looking off into the horizon as their feet dangled over the edge of the docks. their long blonde hair blowing in the soft breeze. he felt a bit apprehensive about going up to them, he didn't have any idea of who they could be. the ghost didn't really want to remember anything bad anymore. the pain of it hurt him so much, it was draining. he still believed that he was a good person. due to his amnesia he forgot the terrible things he had done, which made it seem like he was remembering something for the first time every single time he managed to salvage anything from his foggy broken memories.

ghostbur prepared himself for anything that might be caused from this interaction. he slowly trudged up to the unknown person and tapped them on the shoulder. this caused them to jump slightly but when they turned around ghostbur could see the shock on their face.

the girl stood up immediately. her mouth agape and seemed to be in disbelief. "will!? how?..i thought tubbo was lying when he said he saw you..i-i cant believe your really here.." her shock turned into delight as she hugged the ghost. he was taken aback by her reaction. out of everyone he had talked to so far, she was the least angry or scared of him. she didn't even seem to be phased at the fact the ghost of the man she once cared so deeply for had just appeared in front of her, she just seemed glad he was there with her again.

her voice was familiar. it was soft, a bit quiet, but comforting. ghostbur tried his best to piece together any bit of his memories that he could. he felt like she was important to him when he was alive. the ghost was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of the girl crying. he was confused but hugged her back anyway. she cried into his sweater, the ghost not being able to tell if it was happy or sad tears.

soon enough, she pulled away from ghostbur and looked at him with such glee. she was the first person that seemed happy to see him. she didnt seem wary or hesitant to talk to him or didnt even look for any sign of madness. instead she looked at him in pure bliss. ghostbur tried his hardest to remember anything he could about the blonde haired girl. but, despite his efforts, nothing was coming to mind.

"tubbo told me about when he first saw you. he was rambling on about the times he talked to you. honestly i thought he was just joking around or hallucinating but i-im so glad he wasn't..i-i really missed you.." the girl spoke with a huge smile on her face. her smile was even more familiar to the dead man. it made him more keen to know who she was. he was beginning to grow frustrated and felt sorry that he couldn't figure out who she was.

the ghost fiddled with the sleeves of his yellow sweater. he spoke slowly as he was still trying to grasp onto any memory he could find with the girl in. "i-i-im sorry but i-i don't remember you..you seem so familiar but i just dont know..." the ghost felt extremely bad. he didn't mean to sound rude but he felt like he was being a jerk.

"tubbo told me about that..he said you might need something to kick start your memory." the girl paused for a moment. the ghost was surprised she never lashed out at him or became upset by the fact he didn't recognise her. he appreciated that she was calm about this whole thing. she had a kind and comforting aura. her smile was bright and she just seemed so sweet and optimistic. the ghost sighed as he just couldn't remember anything about the blue eyed girl who must've been important to him when he was alive.

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