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"Ah, lazy as ever, aren't you?" Mrs. Lee chuckled fondly as she eyed each cardboard box residing in her son's room individually. "Won't you unpack? We've been here three days..."

"I'll get there eventually," Mark yawned dramatically, stretching his arms for emphasis to which the woman arched her brow. They shared a short look with one another before bursting into fits of giggles.

Mrs. Lee was quite young compared to most mothers with children Mark's age. Her hair was still as black as the pure night sky, her eyes as dark and sparkly as when she was a child, and her figure perfectly healthy and fit. Many people would've said she was unfortunate for having her only baby at the unready age of sixteen, but she knew from the moment he first cried that Mark was not a misfortune. He was her family.

Her husband was indeed his father, and they hadn't separated even once. Mr. Lee had seen her all the way through the petrifying pregnancy, all the way through the birth, and was a great dad to a young adult. They were an odd trio to some, but in their hearts and souls they were happier than most. None of them would've rewritten history even if given the chance to.

"Is that homework I see?" She enquired, wandering over and cringing at the nasty 'maths' label stuck to the front of the copy on the desk.

"Yeah," Mark nodded halfheartedly. "I got homework on my first day..."

"I know you hate when I say this, but I never had to take any important exams," she stuck her tongue out. "I-"

"-Dropped out and followed the setting sun," her son continued the silly story she always used in order to make him jealous. "Whatever the hell that means."

"It means what it means."

"I love you and all your madness, Mum."

She chuckled and ruffled his hair before pulling him into a back-hug, which was more or less her looping her arms around his shoulders and resting her chin on his head as he sat.

A small silence was formulated after they held back meaningless words. Their gazes were set on the incomplete equations Mark had yet to finish, both thinking deeply.

"So," the older ravenette murmured softly against his hair, "Did you meet any nice people? Any friends?"

"A few," the younger confirmed hesitantly, pursing his lips before shifting out of her loose hold and turning to look up at her. "The kids are weird, y'know?"

"They're Korean, after all. Nobody told you the Canadians and the Koreans were similar."

"Not that. I mean they're sort of off. It's like everyone is walking around with a blanket on, because what's underneath is too dire to discuss. I feel different to them for being honest....but you've always told me that-"

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now