one | I

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slowly, her consciousness returned to her body. it felt like eons had passed before her eyes fluttered, narrowing against the faint glowing lights around her. her eyelids felt like two stone pillars being lifted merely by the muscles straining behind her brow. the girl's body was very thin and pale—had it always been this way? due to the state of her waking mind, she had no answer to that question.

the place she currently rested looked nothing like she had ever seen before, at least, from what may have counted as normal to anyone else. as her body began to regain strength, she took a moment to observe her surroundings. the foliage she lay on seemed to consist of soft, baby blue flowers—glaze lilies if she recalled correctly. there had to have been hundreds beneath her to provide as much comfort as they did. as her fingertips began to twitch, she made an effort to gently touch the petals of these beautiful plants.

beyond the bed of flowers was a huge room made of stone tiles and various glowing ores near the outskirts of the wall. she had no idea where the light was coming from to have reflected these ores' surfaces, but it was a sight to behold nonetheless. at this point, she could muster the strength to prop herself up using her arms as stabilizers. her knees instinctively tucked under her, disturbing the makeshift bed of lilies.

(h/c) strands of hair tickled her exposed shoulders, and she shivered, partially because of the coolness of the room. her figure was clothed in a white silk gown that brushed against her knees; the material was so thin that it seemed as if it had been slowly deteriorating for years on end. with a newfound determination, the girl did her best to stand on her two feet. a nearby wall fell victim in guiding her towards an arched opening across from her makeshift bed.

exhausted from such little exertion already, she focused on keeping her balance by sliding her hand against the smooth stone, nerves buzzing at the unfamiliar contact. once she found herself at the entrance of the opening, it was apparent that her next move was to make her way down the tunnel. a sigh escaped her lips at the thought of how far she would have to walk in such a weak state.

as she shuffled along, the grogginess she had felt previously had begun to dissipate. why had she awoken in such a strange room? why couldn't she remember anything from before her slumber? who did this body belong to, and why couldn't she remember the name of this vessel? these mysteries plagued her as she continued along her path, and she couldn't help but wonder what would greet her outside these walls once she finally made it out.

soon enough, after a small flight of stairs, she stumbled upon a new room that blocked the rest of her path with a large door.

in the center of the room was a large cube situated on the ground in a peculiar way. she proceeded to approach it carefully. as curiosity took over, as well as her lack of options, she reached out and ran her hand across the surface. a section of the stone that appeared button-like caught her eye, and she put pressure on it until a loud noise echoed through the room.

startled, the girl frantically stumbled back a few steps, hand clutched to her chest. the door glowed blue as various mechanisms within it were unlocked, and eventually, it swung open with a thud. a blinding light flooded the room, catching her off guard.

immediately, her forearm covered her eyes to block the rays that had appeared so suddenly. it took a few moments, but she took a few confident steps forward as her vision adjusted to the change.

she smelled it first before anything. the sweet scent of nature accompanied by the warmth of the sunlight that graced her cold skin. forgetting the discomfort, she stared out at the landscape in wonder, savoring the feeling of the soft grass she walked on. the land portrayed in front of her seemed to provoke a sense of familiarity yet something distant that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

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