Chapter 11 | Unspoken

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Geralt POV

Geralt gently returned the kiss, his grip on Jaskier's hips tightening ever so slightly. He let go of the man to allow him to climb off, then sat up himself. His hair fell loosely around his shoulders, reminding him he was going to both need to find his hair tie, and to brush it out. Both things he was capable of doing, no matter what Jaskier had thought. Geralt had managed to look after himself for this long without Jaskier, he could still manage now that the other man was here.

Fuck. They had never grabbed the things from the dryer. Knowing Geralt's landlord, he was likely going to find his basket of laundry in an inconvenient spot in the laundry room, along with a strongly worded note. It had happened before, on too many occasions. Yennefer was, ah, distracting, to say the least, when she wanted to be.

Geralt grunted in agreement and swung his legs off the bed. "Go shower." He slid them down to the floor and transferred his weight onto them, stretching quickly. He didn't always feel the need to, but he didn't usually sleep with someone on top of him and pinning him down.

The bandages Jaskier wore were going to be a concern, but oh well. They'd change them later, at least before they left, if not right after the shower.

Julian POV

Jaskier looked to Geralt and waited for a response that didn't come too long after he had asked honestly. He nodded to Geralt, walking over to him and snuck a small peck on his cheek. He grinned, proud of his little achievement of being able to do so and headed for their bedroom door.

He looked around, listening before he realized that Ciri was more than likely still passed out in her bed. She looked like she had one hell of a lot of training last night. Jaskier stepped outside of the bedroom, heading straight for the bathroom. He had left everything in there. Make-up and razors. Though he would only do his make-up if he had extra time on his hands. Speaking of which, dandelion was starting to get annoyed at the body hair on his body. Might as well tackle that as well while he was in there.

He walked into the bathroom, turning on the light as he became blind for a moment and realized just how dark it originally was. He let himself adjust to the light before he grabbed a towel and put it on the sink where he could reach it and wipe down after he showered. Jaskier walked to the door, locking it because Ciri did not need to walk in on him shaving all over. He chuckled a bit before he grabbed his cheaper shaving foam, vanilla-scented.

Though he would scrub himself with Geralt's soap afterward. Ah fuck, he wouldn't be able to shave over his cuts anyways and it was best that he did not see them. Instead, he was going to have to do a nearly fully shaven job. He moved that and the razor to the shower and turned it on. He moved over, grabbing Geralt's shampoo and conditioner before he stripped off his boxers and hopped into the shower, instantly wetting his hair and starting off with washing that.

Geralt POV

Geralt grabbed the dry pair of his trousers that Jaskier had left, since the man didn't need to leave the apartment after all. He tugged them on swiftly, doing up the ties before he left the bedroom. Then he pulled on socks and his boots, and pocketed his keys and phone. He'd only be gone a couple of minutes, but he knew that things could still go wrong in that time.

Geralt stepped into the hallway, locking the door again behind him. It was still early enough that only a handful of other people were awake. He head another set of footsteps on the stairs descending, and a second set ascending. In the stairwell he passed one of his neighbours who had a night shift, the two of them nodding acknowledgement to each other. She gave him a tight, forced, almost fearful smile. He didn't reply.

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