Chapter 3

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"Travis!" I exclaimed when he shut down my computer before I finished the email that I had been composing for the last forty-five minutes. "What the hell?"

"You know what Mr. Kent had said," Travis said smugly.

"But, Mr. Sato was expecting that email in a couple of hours. Please, let me finish it. I promise that I will not do anything else besides that."

"You can finish it later," he said. "Don't try to call Mr. Kent," he warned. "He won't let you finish it either."

I took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "Can you finish writing it?" I asked. "Just... don't sound all geeky."

"I am a supercomputer, Ms. Kent," Travis said. "I have studied the way you type and will finish the email to make sure that you meet your deadline."

I relaxed slightly. I was nervous as to how Travis was going to write the email because I was normally the one that did it.

"You are getting nervous," he pointed out. "Does this make you anxious?"

I huffed and slammed my laptop shut. I knew full well that I would be able to change neither his nor Robbie's mind. It was better not for me to try and change it because they were both stubborn as mules. "You know it does," I said, putting it on the couch beside me. "Can you at least show me what you have added?"

"Of course," he replied. There was a moment of silence as he did something with the email that I had been working on. "I have completed it, and I sent it to your cell phone. I will send it to the person when you hit the confirm button on your phone."

My phone binged when Travis sent me the message, and I practically ran over to it because I wanted to make sure that he was right and didn't need to change anything before I sent it to him.

"Are you ok?" he asked, chuckling when I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Yes," I said grunting. I stood and made it to my phone without another incident.

"Are you sure? That sounded like a very hard fall."

"Yes, Travis," I said, annoyed. I was used to falling like that, even though I didn't want to be. "I am sure that I am ok. I am not hurt, and I don't have any broken bones." I pulled up the email from my phone and read it. "Ok, that will work," I said, pressing the confirm button to send the email to Mr. Sato. I was about to check other emails when Travis turned my phone off. "Hey," I complained.

"You did three hours of work," Travis said, sounding like a scolding parent. "Mr. Kent said that you could only do three hours of work."

"And what if I have an emergency?" I asked. "How will I get in touch with someone?"

"You don't," he replied. "I do."


I was in the middle of a Disney movie when the doorbell rang, and I groaned out in annoyance. "Show me who is at the door," I said from where I was seated cross legged on the couch with a blanket over my shoulder. I was staring at the flat screen television and watched as the screen flickered to show outside.

There standing in all gray, stood a male that seemed to have a nose that could track me from miles away. His name was Miles Addams, and he was my caseworker. He was ex-military, and I was sure that he was ex-CIA.

I bit back another groan and stood, clutching the blanket around my shoulders. "Change it back," I said, and Travis did what I had said and changed it back to the movie that was playing. I opened the front door to see Miles scowling down at me.

"I thought we had discussed this, Ms. Kent," he said. He nodded his head and walked in stiffly, with his shoulders back and hands clasped behind his back.

"And, we have discussed that this is a smart house," I said, closing the door behind him. "I can see who is at the door and who is not at the door."

"Your house can be tempered with," he said. He scowled and looked down at me. "You a-"

"I know, I know," I said, interrupting him. I was tired and in a very grumpy mood. I was not a fan of staying at home, and I couldn't understand why Robbie didn't let me go to work today. I had been at work plenty of times feeling like this.

"Hmph," Miles said. He sat down in one of the chairs as stiff as a board and watched as I sat down in front of the little nest I had been making. "I am glad to see you eating, Ms. Kent. You had all of us worried for a bit."

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a carrot. "What is with the house call?" I asked. "You never visit unless something bad has happened." I was about to pop the carrot in my mouth but stopped when I saw his grave expression. "Did... something happen?" I placed the carrot back down onto the plate and waited for him to say something.

Miles took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes," he said, his voice grave. "He is out of prison." He paused, searching my face for any sign of something. "Your father has escaped."

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