"It's only a dragon, " Richard said with a shrug.
"What do you mean only a dragon?" Dean screamed as the dragon expanded its wings, blowing him several feet backward.
They were in a dark forest with little to no light, hues of dark blue, red, and green fireflies flowing around like fireworks. It was midnight, and his best friend talked like it was customary to see a dragon lollygagging in the forest.
Standing a few yards away, the dragon rose on its hind legs, eyes shining dark orange with streams of flames flowing out of them, staring directly in their direction. Dean's heartbeat only sped as Richard stepped in front of him like some kind of rom-com hero.
"I'll make quick work of this," Richard said as he cracked his neck. Dean had a hell of a lot of questions, but his main one at the moment was how does a human being beat a flying lizard the size of a bus?
Dean watched as Richard closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. It seemed like he was utterly calm, and there wasn't a enormous dragon in front of them. Then his best friend started to glow. Granted, Dean thought it was a glow stick in Richard's hand at first, but slowly it wrapped around his body.
It was like bright green smoke seeping out of his skin, flowing around him like he was the lit end of an incense. Dean backed away from him and fell into a karate pose. No way. In the forest with a hellish dragon, and now his friend was a glow stick.
"What the fuck dude," Dean said in awe, looking at the shimmering green flowing off of his best friend. Looking directly at the light seemed to make his eyes tingle like they thought the smoke was almost not supposed to be there.
Then Richard opened his eyes and looked over at Dean. "Pretty cool, huh?" He said, his eyes glowing. He already had green eyes, but now they were like LED lights on a Christmas tree. Richards's body afloat with a calming aura, the air-filled with the scent of damp leaves and flowery.
The dragon roared and blew out of its mouth the same kind of smoke coming off of Richard, but it was a dark orange, almost red. Everything that the dragon's smoke touched turned instantly to ash, the trees and bushes within proximity, not standing a chance against the seemingly intense heat of the smoke.
Richard looked back at the dragon, his lips moving in slow motion or incredibly fast. It was hard when he was the light source. His "smoke" seeped into the ground, and the trees around him started to glow. He took a deep breath and then raised his right hand in a weird and almost uncomfortable-looking hand sign.
The plants around him lifted with his hand, his fingers slowly contorting almost as vines in a garden. Vines, branches, roots, hell, even the flowers rose to his gesture. Dean had to dive out of the way, so he didn't get lifted into the air by the roots that grew beneath him. Although the forest was amuck with the noise of rumbling earth and foliage, Richard's voice echoed the through the woods:
"By the powers of the god and ruler of the forest Tapio,
By the seal, we bound in blood,
Your powers are now mine.
The forest that dies and is reborn
Intertwine and imprison my foes.
Forebastris grandpreau."Dean had no idea what that meant, but the forest seemed to bend and expand at Richard's will, twirling around the dragon. The vines from above wrapped around its body as roots from deep under grasped at its feet.
The dragon blew out its orange smoke, and it burned away some of the vines and branches around it, but there were too many. The forestry swiftly wrapped around its legs and wings, pulling the dragon down to the ground.
Richard commanded the forest to wrap around the dragon's mouth, weird hand gestures and flowing hand movements, making me slightly lightheaded to watch for some reason. The bizarre dance that he was doing gave Dean tingles, his body itching to follow his actions.
The Abysmal Records
FantasyA story about a high school graduate exposed to a bizarre turn of events: first, he's was about to go out to a high school party with some friends, and a dragon ruins that night out. Then he tries to go out to get his mom a slushie, and the storekee...