➴ Owing the moon ➴

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Apollo's pov:

I had just gotten home, finally done with a stupid council meeting that had taken a little more than 12 hours. It was just filled with Zeus's whining. But now I could be with my favorite person to be with, Percy. When I first step foot into Percy and I's shared bedroom I expected him to be fast asleep, but instead he was watching old Christmas cartoons on the tv across from the bed. He gave me a bright smile as he saw my figure in the door way. I quickly stripped out of my jeans and t-shirt and into a pair of navy blue sweatpants.

Percy rubbed his eyes, I could see small eye bags under his eyes. I looked at the clock concerned. "What are you doing up? It's 1:37 in the morning." I asked my husband. I walked into the bathroom, making sure to leave the door open so we could communicate, picked up a tooth brush, and started brushing my teeth.

"I don't like sleeping without you." Percy told me without taking his eyes off the seasonal flick. I smiled triumphantly at the mirror. It made me feel a sensation of warmth knowing that I brought someone comfort just by being in the same house as them.

"yeah bus yoz arw caring oum babi." I said with a mouthful of toothpaste. I heard a snort from the spot in the bedroom where Percy was laying.

"I'm sorry Apollo but I'm currently not fluent in toothpaste mouth please try again next year." Percy sassed me from the other room.

I spit out my toothpaste and started rinsing the brush once I turned the facet on. I turned off the light but kept the door open incase Percy got sick. I slid into the bed behind him, I pulled him to my chest. "One, next year is in a few days so if you want to be fluent by then you better start practicing soon. Two, you are holding our child in you stomach you need sleep." I commanded him.

It had totally slipped my mind that all children of Poseidon had the ability to give life boy or girl, it had something to with life starting at sea. Like a male seahorse. So, on the fateful day when Percy started getting morning sickness every morning I made him take a test. It ended up coming back positive, Poseidon tried to kill me, Zeus was pissed off, and Aphrodite started squealing like a child on helium. Percy finally got a small bump on his stomach days ago, somehow that made Zeus even more mad?

"I'm not tired right now." Percy whined. "And it turned Christmas eve about a hour and thirty minutes ago!" I rolled my eyes but a small smile appeared on my face, Percy could probably get away with murder with how cute he acted and looked.

"After this ends we're going to bed okay?" I said with my hands caressing his stomach.

"But what if I'm not tired? It is almost Christmas!" Percy asked me putting his hands over my hands. "There's only like 15 minutes of the movie left anyways!" My boyfriend complained.

"Well I guess you're going to have to go to bed." I shrugged. I heard Percy groan but never the less he agreed. To his own dismay he ended up falling asleep against me before the movie was even over.

~ line break ~

I pulled a sweater on over my head, getting ready to raise the sun. I gently shut the closet door and made my way to the exit of the room. I was about to leave when I felt a pair of eyes following me. I looked back at the bed to see Percy looking at me through his squinted eyes.

He usually was always in a deep sleep from the time I left and the time I came back. "You okay?" I asked him with concern edging in my voice. He nodded his head before rubbing his eyes.

"Can I come with?" He questioned me. If I were drinking something I would have spit it out and all over the carpet. In our whole relationship Percy never was with me to raise the sun, he always told me that it was too early in the morning and that no one woke up before the sun was sane. Then I asked him 'what about me?' and he had the audacity to say 'exactly my point'

"You're serious?"

"No, I just woke up at this time of day to make a joke and I planned on going straight back to bed. Yes! I mean it."

"The only thing straight about you is that you came straight from hell."

I heard him choke on air before he answered me "what?"

"You said you were going straight to bed."

"How mean." He commented before wrapping a small blanket around himself and followed out of the warm room. The Christmas tree in the living room was still on from the night before. There were nutcrackers placed neatly on shelfs all around the house. A plate off cookies were sitting on the counter with saran wrap over it. It smelt like gingerbread from a candle Percy had burning very often.

I opened the chariot door for Percy before hopping into the drivers seat. I enjoyed watching Percy get excited over all the Christmas decorations out on people's lawns, not that he could see much as we were really high up in the air. We were almost the only ones on Olympus to celebrate the holiday, most Gods were too busy for it or because it wasn't apart of their religion. Percy was the one to really get me into it the first year we were dating I only agreed to it to make him happy the other years we did it because it was really fun.

When we landed Percy insisted on me carrying me inside saying that his legs weren't working since it was too early. As I said earlier I could let him get away with murder with how cute he was.

"Plus you have to, I'm pregnant you have to help the pregnant person or you just look like a dick." Percy told me nodding his head like he was agreeing with his own words. I rolled my eyes but still ended up carrying him bridal style. I placed him down on the couch, he snuggled more into the blanket surrounding him.

Since he looked so cold I decided to make him some hot chocolate with of course a few drops of blue dye. He greedily took the cup after he gave me a quick thanks.

"Sooooo, whatcha get me?" Percy asked.

"That was very blunt if you were trying to be smooth, love. It would ruin the moment if you knew what I was getting you." I smirked. Percy looked like he was about to throw himself off of the couch. He placed the now empty mug on the coffee before turning back at me with a pitiful look, I had to look away instantly not to give in.

"One? Just one. That's all I'm asking for!" He begged.

"Nope." I bluntly said.

"Please..." I looked at him with both eyebrows raised as he practically threw himself on me.

"Be careful with the baby, sunshine." I said flipping him onto his back for safety measures. He gave me a small smile before giving me his small lip pout and large pleading eyes. "Fine! Just one though!" He jumped up giving me a quick kiss before running to the tree to retrieve a package.

Maybe I should start looking away from Percy when he does that because soon one day I might owe him the moon.

Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now