➴ Apollo is actually in middle school ➴

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I haven't seen you in a hot minute! How have you been?

"I have a early Christmas gift for you." Apollo told me with a big grin covering his face. I looked up from my piece of paper work, it was the last piece that I had to do until my holiday vacation with Apollo.

Zeus had not been overjoyed when Apollo told him that we were going on holiday. I think he thinks that we are going to make some plan to destroy the world and take all of his powers. The king of Gods was getting more and more annoying each time he saw us together, Ares seemed to be siding with Zeus on everything that was horrible about our relationship.

"What is it?" I asked him going back to the work in my lap. Apollo sat down on the couch next to me, our legs too close to each other to be just friends.

"Aww you have to guess."  The God groaned. I put my signature on the bottom of the paper, looking up at Apollo amused, I then placed the paperwork on the coffee table, putting the pen on top of it.

"A free replace me with Apollo so I don't have to talk to Zeus pass?"

"Honestly I wish, but no. Wait! That means I'd have to talk to him! I'm so happy that I didn't get you that."

"Can you just tell me?"

"Nope. That would just be boring." The blond told me with a smirk. I placed my head on his lap, giving him the best puppy dog eyes that I could. "Hey! That doesn't work on me anymore!"

"Yes it does." I smiled up at him. The God usually gave me things so much that I didn't even need to use my puppy dog eyes on him but when I did I could easily get what I wanted. "Hmm may I have a hint?"

"Sure, you like it. That's the only thing I can say that wouldn't give it away." 

"That sucks."

"You suck. Literally."

"Oh my Gods." I wanted to smack Apollo's ridiculous smile off his face.  I blushed a bright color, covering my face with my hand.

"Come on, give me a few good guesses." Apollo poked my hip, causing me to squeal, I had always been sensitive there, it was always a very ticklish spot, and Apollo knew that very well.

"Is it a new boyfriend that doesn't tickle me and isn't as inappropriate as a middle school boy?"

"How rude!" Apollo gasped very dramatically. "Of course it's not that." Apollo put his hand on my inner thigh, grabbing it. A small noise made its way to my tongue from the back of my throat.

"I don't know, maybe a new sword?" I asked Apollo not very confident.

"No, it doesn't have anything to do with the Greek world."

"Okay I'm lost. Tell me?"

"I told you that you'd have to guess it, so I guess you'll just have to wait and find out." I groaned, I hated not knowing things. This was one of my worse fates, I'm sure I could pull it out of him soon...

~ line break ~

Apollo told me that I had to pack a suitcase but to pack light because we were just going to spend today (December 23rd) and Christmas Eve wherever our destination was.

I pulled Apollo's fluffy blanket, that I had stole from the bed, tighter around me, I pulled it to my nose, it smelt just like him. He smelt like a mixture of things like a hot evening, coffee, and cinnamon. It was an odd combination but they went together perfectly.

I piled some french fries in my mouth, Apollo always told me how much he hated fast food and how greasy it was. I had to agree on the greasy part but that was also one of the best parts of the food. Though Apollo's cooking would always be superior to fast food.

"You have to close your eyes, love." Apollo told me with a loving smile on his face, I nodded my head putting my hand over my eyes. I was finally going to be able to see where we were going, I was really excited. I felt the car come to a stop and heard Apollo open the car door, sliding out.

My side of the car door opened, Apollo unstrapped my seatbelt, and helped me maneuver out of the car without tripping over my feet. My hand was wrapped around the blanket, so it wouldn't fall off of my figure.

I felt my boyfriend let go of my body and press his body behind mine, his chin resting on my shoulder. I could feel the breath on my neck as he said "okay you can open your eyes now."

I snapped my eyes opened, quickly, before he could even finish his sentence.I gave a small gasp before I looked up at my boyfriend wide eyed. 

I recognized where I was at immediately. "Oh my Gods I love you!" I squealed, turning around to give him a tight hug. The God let out a small chuckled, returning my hug.

"I love you too." He mumbled against my hair.

"I can't believe you took me to Montauk! I haven't been here in years!"

"I know, you talk about it to me all the time with a beautiful type of joy on your face. I pay attention to you more than you think."

"I'm so lucky to have you." I smiled against his chest.

"I'm lucky to have you too. Now let's get inside before you get frostbite." Apollo said grabbed my hand and pulling me to the cabin, he told me that he would get our suitcases once we got a game plan of what we would be doing on our winter break.

I was watching Coraline while writing this...

This sucks horribly and I'm terribly sorry.


Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now