➴ PDA isn't a crime ➴

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PDA= public display of affection. Btw.

"What am I even supposed to wear?" I asked Apollo as he ruffled my hair. I saw Apollo smirk through the mirror, his arms wrapped around my waist, and chin resting on my shoulder.

"I don't think it really matters, they live in trees. I don't think they will care what you are going to wear."

"Yeah but they can be like super judgmental."  I told him slowly.

"Eh, you're sexy with whatever you wear, so whatever you have on you'll still be eye candy." Apollo told me in a hoarse voice.

My blush was a fierce color, my cheeks turned a dark red. I didn't know what to stay so I just stuck my tongue out at him, walking away from him ignoring his protests.

I dressed into a blue button up shirt with black jeans, I pulled a necklace that had a small sun on it out of my drawer, and clipped it from behind my neck.

"I love it when you wear my symbol." Apollo growled into my ear.

"Why are you so horny?" I asked him confused. 

"It's because how hot you are." The son God let out a groan as I started walking out of his arms reach. I gave him a pointed look telling him 'later'.

I walked into the kitchen to grab the bowl of blue mashed potatoes that Artemis had asked me to bring. 

~ line break ~ 

Apollo knocked on the front door, stepping back to grab ahold of my hand. A girl that I knew as Minnie opened the door with a scowl on her face, it certainly didn't lighten when she saw the pair of us.

"Minnie let them in!" I heard Apollo's twin sister call from inside the palace. Minnie reluctantly opened the door, she looked like she wanted to slam the door in our face but held herself back.

She took the bowl from my hands without even asking me, I turned my head to look at Apollo. He gave the huntress a scowl before smiling at me.

Artemis gave me a tight hug, it didn't seem like her but I guess the Christmas spirit was getting to her head. I gave her a hug back, leaning back to give her a smile.

"You need to work on having better service around here, your bellhop was very rude and I will be filing a complaint when I get home." Apollo said with laughter dancing in his eyes. I gave a big grin as I saw Apollo's smile, he had been putting a lot of stress on himself lately and it was nice to see him start to loosen up.

"Who are you going to file a complaint to? I'm the owner of this house." Artemis questioned him leading us to her large dining room table.

"The AISHHCDAHW. This also is commonly known as The Apollo is so hot he can do anything he wants administration." Apollo said confidently, his hands resting on his hips.

"So you're going to file a complaint to a fake administration? Let's say it's real... wouldn't that just be yourself?" Artemis quizzed stumping Apollo.

Apollo thought for a few seconds before saying with more confidence "I'll just have Percy working the front desk!"

"I'm not working there, I'll work with myself and start a new company. PIAOT. Also known as Percy isn't apart of this." 

Apollo gasped putting his hand over his heart like he was about to have some sort of spasm. "Wow, you know I thought we were friends and whatever... but seeming as you just betrayed my trust, hotness, and ego, I don't think our relationship will ever be the same again!" He sat down in the chair dramatically, I sat down beside him a small smile playing across my face.

The huntress all took their seats at the same time like this had been rehearsed several times, I knew Tyson would love to see it, he would've been clapping his hands overjoyed if he were here. I gave Thalia a small smile when I finally caught her eye, she gave me a grin before sitting down besides the moon Goddess.

"Now I know this may sound very dumb, especially to the lovebirds in the back..." Artemis began standing up to start a speech of some sort. She gave us a knowing smirk at the lovebirds part, I gave a light blush. "But I've come up for some rules for tonight. One, no huntress will insult    neither my brother nor Percy, two Apollo don't start singing haikus to annoy my huntress like you did that one time, three no food fights because I will not be cleaning it you will, four I do not want to see public display of affection around these parts."

We all agreed with her rules and started to dig into the foods on the table. "Oh Percy!" I looked over at Thalia as she called my name. "We made different foods blue for you." The daughter of Zeus pointed to the blue foods. I gave her a huge smile before getting many types of foods for my meal.

Apollo slid his right hand to my mid thigh, drawling circles on my jean with his thumb. I looked at Apollo, making eye contact with his sky blue eyes. The eyesight unwavered, neither of us looking away.

"Hey! That's public display of affection! I will start taking points from the both of you!" Artemis called from the head of the table.

"I didn't do anything!" I told her.

"I didn't even know we had points to began with. What are they for? Who's the hottest Person in the room? We all know that's me so just turn in all your points to me while you can." Apollo smirked, talking with his mouth full of food.

Artemis grumbled annoyed that she had to explain this to her twin brother. "No you idiot! They are for-"

I smirked as the two started bickering, the huntress starting to pick sides in the fight, I found myself a bit confused as some of the huntress actually started siding with Apollo. I sighed continently, I could stay like this forever.

Day 15 of writing its be tough and I hope I get ideas soon lol. But it's nice waking up and having something to do with my life...


Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now