➴ Our dear child ➴

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I looked around our living room from the spot on the couch. The Christmas tree was up in the corner of the room, we had put up all the ornaments and lights two weeks ago. It didn't take very much convincing to put up the tree seeming as I had Apollo wrapped tightly around my finger, and he knew it too. The tv was helping light up the room along with the Christmas lights that were strung around the room, it took a much longer time to convince him to put the lights in our bedroom but he soon caved in, and the lit up tree.

My eyes scanned over the mantle where pictures of us and pictures of our son where up on. There were some pictures of our friends and other family members but most were of our small little family.

Our 7 month year old son was curled up on my chest, just above my stomach. We were watching a Christmas movie while Apollo was at an Olympian meeting. I looked down at Apricity, he was totally into the movie by the way he had a lazy smile on his face, but I could also tell by the expression on his little face that he was getting tired.

Apollo and I decided that we wanted to name our son either a Greek name, a Latin word, or a Latin Origin. Apricity means warmed by the sun. I loved the name a lot, I loved everything about my little boy.

Apricity began babbling at the movie when the reindeer started flying. Our son loved anything that looked like deers or horses. So reindeer fit into that category perfectly.

I smiled at my son as he began laughing and clapping his hands together. Apricity looked at me with wide eyes and started pointing at the tv. I chuckled at how excited he was getting.

"You like the reindeer?" I asked with a loving smile on his face. The son of Apollo waved his arms around his head in a big circle, looking up at me like I would understand. I shrugged my shoulders down at him which received me a "Ba!" I looked at the clock and decided that it was time for the both of us to go to bed. When I flicked off the tv, when I looked down I saw the grandson of Poseidon's lip start to quiver.

"It's okay we'll finish it tomorrow." I said while picking him up and leaving to his bedroom. When I put Apricity on his mattress in his cradle he was out like a light fuse.

Right as I walked into the living room I saw Apollo turning off the festive lights. My boyfriend saw me, gave me a small smile, before walking over to me with a small smile on his face. "How was your day?" He asked me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"It was pretty good I took Apricity to meet Hestia today. He ended up taking a nap in my arms 10 minutes after meeting her. How was yours?" I asked.

I heard a small groan from Apollo. "Zeus is being quite annoying lately, I rather be with my boyfriend and son than I would anyone else. But now I'm home and we can cuddle." He explained. I smiled at him, before leading him to our bedroom. Right when I hit the matress my eyes started dropping slowly. I soon found myself on our bed with Apollo under my body.

"What was Zeus being annoying about now?" I asked with my hand messing with my boyfriend's hair. Apollo leaned into my hand with a sigh.

"He's scared that our son is gonna take over the world." He grumbled.

"He thinks everyone is gonna take over the world." I groaned into his chest.

"But at least mostly everyone was against him today."

"At least they aren't trying to kill our baby." I said.

"I know, sunshine. I know." We became quiet very after that. Both thinking about our sons future. Well thats probably what Apollo was thinking about, I was thinking about ours sons Christmas was going to be this year. I quickly fell asleep to the comfort of my boyfriend.

I woke up startled when I heard crying come from the room a few doors down. I looked over at Apollo who seemed dead to the world. I quickly and quietly walked to my child's bedroom. I crept into the golden and blue bedroom to see my baby sobbing his little heart out.

I began rocking my child back and forth against my chest. But no matter what I tried to do he wouldn't stop crying. So I decided to take him to the doctor aka my husband. Apollo seemed to still be asleep but a few seconds of Apricity bawling he woke up and asked me what was wrong.

"Teething." I mumbled while using my two fingers to message his tiny jaw. After awhile our son soon fell asleep to the rhythm of my fingers. As it was the middle of the night I decided just to fall asleep with Apricity in my arms.

I felt Apollo put his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. He pressed his lips to his son's head then proceeded to do the same to my head.

"I love you so much." Apollo mumbled into my head.

"I love you too."

Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now