➴ Artemis is now my Idol ➴

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"I haven't seen Apollo in two weeks!" I groaned sitting down in a chair the was a few yards away from where I was initially standing.

"Sit up! You're going to get your robe all twisted!" Annabeth exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at the girl, she was getting bossy, but I was glad that she was here to help me. I stood up slowly, just to show her that I didn't get anything twisted. "Blah blah blah, just because you haven't seen Apollo in a few weeks doesn't mean he's gone. You'll live, you two will be all over each other at the reception party tonight."

"I miss him." I moaned, I wanted to see his smile.

Artemis was sitting at one of the chairs in the corner, rolling her eyes at me. "How you managed to fall in love with my idiotic brother is beyond me. He's probably whining about how he misses you and your body, a real charming fish you were able to reel in." Annabeth snorted at the Goddess of hunt, before going to fix my hair.

"Great pun..."

"There was no pun?"

"I'm the son of the sea God..."

"Never mind I now fully understand how you guys are fell in love."

Before anything else could happen Annabeth decided to switch the subjects. "I'm honestly surprised that Poseidon is allowing Apollo to marry you."

"I'm surprised that Hera is all for this." Artemis grumbled. As if the Goddess summoned Hera, the Goddess of marriage came bursting through the doors with a smile across her face. I had never seen her this happy before especially when the smile was aimed towards me. The Goddess of love was following her with a bigger smile on her face.

"AHHHH! I'm so excited for this wedding! My favorite ship is getting married!" Aphrodite squealed running over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

Hera came from the other side of my giving me a quick hug backing away from me. "Honestly never thought Apollo would find love."

"Do you doubt me?!" Aphrodite looked over at Hera appalled.

"I doubt Apollo."

"Mhhh I guess that is reasonable." The Goddess of love nodded her head.

"Nothing against you Lady Hera but why are you actually smiling at me. You kidnapped me once..."

"Oh nonsense! That was a few years back!" The queen of Heaven replied.

"Jason was on a bus holding a girl's hand while you gave me monsters."

"That's because she doesn't like you." Artemis told me.

"Don't you have something to hunt?" Hera scowled. "Maybe a husband?"

"You can't say much about husbands as yours cheats on you and you follow his every word."

"Can we not before Percy's wedding? I'm sure he's already stressed as it is and your bickering is not helping him." Annabeth said, somehow being able to tell how uneasy I was feeling. Aphrodite gave me kiss on the cheek before grabbing a pissed of Hera out of the room

Piper and Thalia came in the room apologizing that they were late. Thalia gave me a quick hug before going to her boss. Piper told me that Jason distracted her, Jason probably got distracted by her.

"I need your shoe." Annabeth told me having her hand held out. I gave her a questioning look at her, taking my shoe off and handing it to her. "It's a Greek tradition. The bridesmaids write their names at the bottom of the shoe and by the end of the wedding the names should be worn off." I nodded my head as she neatly wrote her name on the bottom, she then handed the shoe over to Artemis and Thalia.

Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now