➴ Making better wishes ➴

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"I'm sure Apollo will get you it seeming as he usually gets you anything you want even if he doesn't particularly like it himself." Artemis told me while sharping arrows.

"He might say no." I said next to her.

"Tell me one time that Apollo didn't get something you wanted."

"..." My silence seemed to prove her point. I let out a long airy sigh and went back to the work in front of me. When I was a kid I didn't know that there was so much paperwork and other work you had to do when you were a God. My thoughts shifted to how I didn't have to do much work for the next few weeks I smiled happily, today was my last day until I got a break and I could spend the holidays at home with Apollo. No more paperwork for the next few days.

Artemis had agreed to raise the sun while we were on holiday, I had no clue what Apollo had done to make her actually agree and I'm not sure I really want to, but at least I get to steal Apollo for awhile.

"What do you guys plan on doing for you break?" She asked me without looking up.

"I don't know just hanging out, I know Apollo mentioned he might take me to a Broadway show."

"Have luck with that, I'm glad one of my godly gifts weren't music."

"Why?" I questioned her. I think it would be fun to be the God of music, you could listen to music as your job and you would be very good at singing and playing interments, both things that I sucked at now.

"Because then all singers would pray to me about boring stuff. I'm not the Goddess of music and yet I still have a better taste in music than Apollo does." I snorted at her, but I had to somewhat agree with her.

"I bet you 60 drachmas that he will get you it."

"you're on." I agreed as I saw Apollo's figure making it's way towards us. I slammed my notebook shut on the papers I was working and watched Apollo come running up the stairs.

"Hey sis!" He greeted Artemis. She rolled her eyes at the nickname but didn't say anything about it. "Hey baby." He greeted me with a kiss. He grabbed my hand, pulled me off the steps, and into a tight hug.

I blushed against his chest and leaned into his arms. "Can you guys do your public display of affection somewhere else." Artemis ordered with annoyance in her voice.

"What's that I smell." Apollo asked while smelling the air. "I think it's jealousy." Before they could break into a war I dragged Apollo the steps. Apollo was laughing with his head flung back causing minor Gods and Goddess to look at us with strange looks.

"People are looking at us." I blushed. I didn't really like this type of attention.

"People are always looking at us and I would fuck you right here and right now in front of everyone I don't care." Apollo told me making me blush a darker red.

I ignored him, I knew that he meant what he said seeing as he was the God of truth. "Apollo..." I started giving him my best pleadings eyes I could. He looked at me with both eyebrows raised as if asking 'what do you want now?' "Can we get a puppy?" I stuck my bottom lip out hoping to get a good result.

"Nope. No way. No." He answered without even giving it a second of thought.

"What. Why not?" I asked still looking pleading. He quickly adverted his eyes. How were my tactics supposed to work if he wasn't even looking at me?

"One we're Gods we are busy. Two the dog isn't going to live forever then you'll be heartbroken and I don't want to see you sad." Apollo stated. I hadn't thought of that before...

"You're boring." I complained.

Apollo have me a smug look before saying "you don't think that in bed." I just about pushed him off of Olympus.

~ line break ~

For the first time every I finally woke up with arms wrapped around me and I didn't have to worry about when Apollo would leave to raise the sun. I snuggled continently in his arms, before waking him up by poking him in the chest in a very annoying way.

"What in Hade's name are you doing?" He groaned before turning away from me, but instead of poking his stomach I was now poking his back.

"It's Christmas. You need to get up!" I said very excitedly.

"It will still be Christmas if I fall asleep then get up again." He told me.

"You're the God sun you should be used to waking up early!"

"I'm on holiday. I'm about to turn into the God of sleep."

"Apollo, get up." I groaned as he started fake snoring. "Fine I guess I'll just have spend Christmas with Cratos..." I sighed loudly.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Apollo exclaimed sitting up right.

Apollo thought Cratos God of strength and power had a crush on me and every time he would see the two of us together he would get extremely jealous. He usually would threaten war on Cratos if he even touched me. Apollo was certain that Cratos wanted to get me in his bed by the way every time Cratos would look at me he would wink.

"How dare you do that to me." Apollo over exaggerated.

"It worked therefore I don't regret anything." I smiled sweetly at him like I had done no wrong in the world.

Later that day when I was sitting on our shared couch wrapped in a blanket, Artemis Iris messaged me saying only a few words.

"Percy, you owe me 60 drachmas." Then it was gone. I looked down at the snow white puppy in my lap with a faint smile on my lips.

"Everyone knows this fact. You shouldn't make bets with Artemis. You're going to loose." I rolled my eyes at the terrible haiku. I probably should've wished for his haikus to get better instead of a dog... or maybe both.

Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now