➴ Why did I make this a romcom? ➴

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"Hey Annabeth!" I waved my hand at the blonde girl walking towards me.

"Hey Percy!" She called back, snow was sticking all over her hair making her look like a Disney princess. We both had snow coats clinging to our bodies at how cold it was. "Where's Apollo?" She asked me.

Annabeth came up with the idea of going on a double date with Grover, Juniper, Annabeth, Travis, Apollo, and I. Travis Stoll was following his girlfriend with more snow in his hair, he gave me a bright smile, before wrapping his arm around Annabeth's shoulder.

I feel like Apollo only agreed because it was the holidays, so he could show me off, and because he wanted to make me happy.

"Apollo said he'd meet us at the restaurant. Zeus is being annoying." I snorted. I rubbed my eyes, snow was starting to get into my eyes.

Grover wrapped his arm around my shoulder with a bright smile on his face. He gave me a tight hug before saying his greeting to the other couple. I saw Juniper, I smiled at her giving her a tight hug.

"It's so nice seeing you again!" She whispered into my shoulder.

"It is nice." I pulled away telling the rest of the crew that we should probably go to the restaurant before they gave our table away.

~ line break ~

Apollo pulled me into a hug, peaking a kiss on my lips. The God of sun dragged me inside telling me I was going to die if I stood outside for much longer.

Annabeth sent a smirk my way, but she didn't say anything when I sent a glare her way. Juniper just chuckled at us, her husband and Annabeth's boyfriend in a lengthy conversation. I had no clue what it was about but they looked like they were having fun.

Apollo slid into a chair next to mine, his hand placed on my upper thigh. "Artemis may not like this public display of affection." I whispered to him with a grin.

"I have a perfect haiku for her-"

"There's no need for that." I said clamping my hand over his mouth before he could spit out one of his poems.

"How rude." He mumbled against my hand. I wasn't taking it off so he decided that licking it would be a splendid idea.

"Ew! That's disgusting!" I whipped my hand on his pants with disgust on my face.

"You guys are adorable." Juniper said with a smile on her face.

"He's the only adorable one in the relationship." Apollo stated with a eyebrow cocked.

I rolled my eyes striking up a conversation with Annabeth to ignore him. Apollo just slid his hand up further up my leg, before talking with Travis.

"You know I never expected you to fall in love with a God. Everyone knows how much you don't care for the Gods, it's not a secret." Annabeth told me drinking the water that the waiter placed down in front of her.

I took the glass of water from the waiter saying my thanks. "I didn't expect myself to fall in love with Apollo either. It just happened. I don't regret it in any way, shape, or form."

"I always thought you were hot." Apollo's head was resting on my shoulder, of course Apollo had a smirk on his face.

"Holy shit. You scared me." I said looking at him with a grin.

"It's not my fault your so easy to scare. It's cute."

"I'm going to break this up before the two
of you have sex in a public area." Annabeth said sending a challenging glare at Apollo.

"Hmm, that would be loads of fun. You down?" Apollo glared at Annabeth challenging her.

"No I'm not down!" I yelped at my boyfriend as one of his hands found my chest. Apollo placed a kiss on my neck, then backed away from me, I knew that he still had that very annoying but attractive smirk on his face.

"Apollo is such a dog." Annabeth told me. "A real winner you got there."

"I am a real winner! Thank you for the compliment! The only reason I'm not striking you down is because Percy may kill me." Apollo chuckled at her. I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on the drink in front of me.

~ line break ~

"That was fun!" Apollo laughed as he walked me to his sun chariot.

"Yeah besides the part where you and Annabeth almost broke out into a massive food fight."

"Personally that was my favorite part!"

"Why am I not shocked?"

"Because I'm amazing and I do amazing things." Apollo laughed throwing his hands in the air playfully.

"Yeah sure-" Apollo shut me up with his lips pressing against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying the moment. My boyfriend's arms wrapped themselves tighter around my waist, pulling me into a deeper kiss.

The snow was falling slowly and peacefully, making this seem like some romcom. I pulled away from the kiss out of breath, i rested my head on the God's shoulder enjoying the moment.

"I love you." I whispered softly, nuzzling more into his chest. Feeling his warmth against my cool head felt nice.

"I love you and the many days ahead of us." He whispered to me.

I was so lucky to call this God mine, and mine alone. Apollo loved calling me his so I knew it was the same way for him. I was glad that we could get over everything each other. Loses, fights, complications, everything.

This is cheesier than cheese.

Review my bros

Joy, peace, and love (perpollo Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now