22. Chicken

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"Kyōsakana Ensumi, born June 7th to Kyōsakana Tenko who was a Japanese doctor, and Maria Dasilva who was a Brazilian immigrant. After her mother died during the child's birth, Kyōsakana was raised by her father. At fourteen, Kyōsakana's father was arrested for unlawful experimentation on minors without the permission of their legal guardian. Dr. Kyōsakana then killed himself in his prison cell leaving behind his child, who was placed in an orphanage alongside another child he was harboring. Both children ran away from the orphanage and were never heard from again until Kyōsakana Ensumi was pronounced dead at 18..."

"Or so the records state..." I looked up from my report and glanced around the table.

It was the morning after our reconnaissance mission was a success. After we escaped using my fire plan, we rounded up everyone and returned to the house. Since the information we collected was very rough, I then spent the entire night researching everything I could find on Kyōsakana, I even went so far as to call Tanaka who was still in my district (and was asleep at the time) for his assistance. Everyone else though still very inquisitive, allowed me to do my research in peace, whilst they went to bed. The minute I was finished organizing all the reports and details, I woke everyone up for an early morning briefing about everything we know.

Currently, we sat in the kitchen whilst I explained what we discovered last night. Some displayed a languid demeanor whilst others stood alert, absorbing everything said as though the information was appetizing and they were starved for knowledge. I knew it was six in the morning and I knew they were tired from last night but it is best to deliver this information to them as fast as I possibly could.

"So you're saying," Midoriya started, him being one of the alert ones. "That Kyōsakana's father was a doctor who performed experimentations on children as well?"

"Yes, although they were not orphans. They were his patients, many were on the verge of death or even pronounced dead when they were experimented upon. So, it would seem that she truly is following in her father's footsteps as she said herself. I also believe that the other child he has was 'harboring' was Dabi," I explained.

"So, when we gonna catch them? The sooner the better right? We already know where they are, why don't we just get this over with today? Kaminari yawned, his eyes were closed and his head was resting against his palms, I'm not sure whether he's half-awake or just sleep talking.

I felt rage course through me at his inconsideration.

"Let us not forget who it is we're dealing with exactly. That woman has dozens if not more child soldiers at her disposal. It would be impossible for just us to take them on ourselves. Not to mention she is a mad genius, who has stayed one step ahead of us this entire time. I have reason to believe that that fight the girls and I had against her soldiers was just another distraction to keep us off her tail. If someone could plan an entire fight ahead as she did, there's no telling what she's capable of,"

"I already considered an early surprise attack and even took it up with the Hero Committee. We all agreed that it would be best to wait until that day when she invited the head of the Kyoryoku to her hideout. It would basically be catching two birds with one stone and not to mention we have to think about those kids. Since we don't know what we'll be up against, the Hero Association agreed to dispatch as many of their police force as needed here. So there's really nothing we can do but wait now." I shrugged.

"So what? We're tourists now?" Bakugou muttered grumpily, I can't tell if it's from my waking him up early or if it's just the way he is.

"Do whatever you wish, have fun until the time comes, I'll be furthering my research. Now, if you'll excuse me." I stood up from my seat at the dining table. "I'll be heading back to try and find more information. The rest of you should probably go back to bed." I left the room.

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