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General Hospital
Westminster, London

" We will be waiting for you outside here. If you need us just call us inside." Asher said to Melanie as they accompanied her to the doctor's place.

" I am fine. No worries." Melanie said.

" Ok. You go inside then." Ardeyn said and she nodded before going inside the cabin.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the cabin. She knew it was her own fight to fight against herself. This was the so hard for her but she has to think about this. She has to fight this all alone. It's her problem and she doesn't want to involve anyone else in that. That will be so awkward for everyone. She knew that everyone will be helping her wholeheartedly if she needs but she doesn't want to bother them. It will be too much to ask which she doesn't want at all.

" May I come in, doctor?" Melanie said softly.

" Please, come in." The doctor said.

She smiled at the boys and the boys were waiting for her to come out of the cabin. She walked into the cabin and the doctor smiled at her.

" Ms.Hilton, Good afternoon. Come, have a seat." The doctor said.

" Thanks, doctor." Melanie said and pulled the chair before sitting across the doctor.

" How are you feeling today, Ms. Hilton?" The doctor asked.

" I am fine. Thank you, doctor." Melanie said to him and he smiled nodding.

" That's great." He said to Melanie checking her reports and she nodded.

" I see. Your reports are very satisfying for us. You are going to get back to your normal life very soon. Congratulations Ms. Hilton. You have done this" the doctor said to Melanie and she smiled a bit.

" Doctor, these days I am having weird things happening to me." She said and the doctor looked at her at once.

" Weird things in the sense of what?" The doctor asked her.

" It's very weird. It seems like I am going mad once again." She said and the doctor looked at her seriously this time.

" What happened to you, Ms. Hilton? Please, tell if. If you don't then how would I help you?" The doctor asked her and she sighed.

" You know, my family is trying to make me feel better and recently I have joined college to have a diploma in interior designing." She said and smiled a bit.

" Wow, congratulations!!! I know you are very good at your work. You can get an immense success in this field." The doctor said.

" Thanks,doctor but how do you know that I am good at designing?" Melanie asked the doctor. He was shocked for awhile but covered it up soon. He smiled at her.

" Encouraging the patients to do their favorite things is the first step to help them. I am encouraging you as well. I am trying to make things better for you. I know one day you will have everything you have lost." He said to her.

" What have I lost?" Melanie asked him narrowing her eyes. He closed his eyes clenching his fists under the table and counted 1 to 10 to calm himself down. Then smiled at her.

" I meant your family. Don't you miss them? Don't you want to find them out?" He asked her.

" I am fine without them as well. I don't remember them and they must have forgotten me as well. They are 18 years too late to find me out." She said and the doctor kept looking at her for awhile. Then sighed deeply.

" Can we go back to your problem that you are facing these days?" The doctor asked and she nodded.

" These days I am trying to keep myself busy with works and my family is helping me very much. Last week I have been in the Fallon's office with my friend Arjun for a meeting and weirdly it was feeling like I have been there before. I was feeling too awkward." She said and he sighed deeply.

" It can be a deja vu. Don't worry." The doctor said but she shook her head.

" I could literally recognize the whole design of the office. It seemed like I am very closely related to the office building. If I would have a deja vu then why would I have recognized the whole place? Isn't it unnatural?" She asked him and he sighed.

" Sometimes the things we see aren't apparently the same. You knew that you were going to be in that place for a meeting then your subconscious mind forced you to find out the details about the building. Then you may have forgotten that. As we know that you are dealing with series of mental issues for years and now are recovering, it will take awhile, Melanie. It will not fade away just overnight. It will take time. Till then you have to learn to deal with the things around you. You have to overcome this. What have I told you last time?" He asked her and she sighed deeply.

" I will remember that, doctor." She said and he smiled.

" That's the spirit." He said.

" If there is nothing else then can I leave, doctor?" She said and he smiled.

" Oh, yes. Don't overthink about things. Keep telling yourself that the things makes pressure on your brain is harmful for you and you have to stay away from those things. Don't pressurize yourself to remember anything. Even if you remember a bit of any incident but don't force yourself to remember the rest. That's never ever going to work." The doctor said.

" Thank you doctor. I will try to follow your words." She said standing up and walked out of the cabin.

He kept looking at the door for awhile then took out his phone to dial someone's number. He waited until the person on the other end of the phone picked the call up.

" Hello!!!" That person said.

" It's done. I changed her medicines with the one you have recommended." The doctor said.

" Good job. Your money will be send soon. Don't contact me ever again." That person on the phone said and hung up.

The doctor chuckled looking at the phone and took the medicines that he was told to change. He threw them on the trashcan.

" Fools all around." He laughed as he could trick all his pawns at the same time.

The chapter was unpublished mistakenly awhile back.🤭🤭🤭😅😅😅

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