New Character added plz like her and him

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I have a surprise for you okay you know Jerome's old suits well Mitch had a great evil idea he adopts a two kids they don't even have names because there family's didn't name them but Mitch on the other hand names the two kids the little girl's name is Betty she is 5 years old her eyes color is cyan just like Jerome's axe, she loves to play games with other kids her age, she also loves to read books. and the little boy's name is Christ he is 6 years old his eyes color is dark brown just like Mitch's he is very shy to talk to other people, he also loves to cook by himself, he enjoys painting lovely art work. these two kids met each other at the adoption center they played together tell there stories how there family left them out into the streets Betty helped Christ over come his shyness. Mitch had two pick these two kids and bring them home because one Betty's eyes match Jerome's axe and Christ's eyes match Mitch's hair color. And two they we're cute playing together. And finally three they'll have a good home to stay. there history begins like this Betty's old family kicked her out and into the streets tell the adoption center took her in. Christ's old family did a little different his family tried to kill him when he was 2 years old tell the neighboreds called the cops on them and called the Adoption center to take care of him. None of the family's picked them on the Adoption day because they we're too picky about there eye's color accept for Mitch and remember to leave a like and comment to these new Merome children and see ya all soon bye.

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